Who makes our money by f j irsigler pdf

Who makes our money by f j irsigler pdf

Posted: Denkin Date: 04.07.2017

Invention of Christianity and Islam c c c c Reformation Luther vs others c c - c 19th Century Opium Wars s and s Massive emigration 'Jews' start subversion Federal Reserve and War; US enters Jewish Coup in Russia NSDAP Election Victory European War, becomes Second World War after US enters Years of increasing Jew influence: War, Kennedy murder, LBJ, blacks, immigration, Cold War frauds, 'Holocaust' stories etc Public Internet influence begins ].

How Ideals are Deformed Implied Propaganda Getting Control: Temporary Alliances with Subsets of Goyim How to Study Money Control ]. Controversies showing how Jews twist meanings Featured link: EVOLUTION OF JEWS AS PARASITES OF CITIES ] General Interest Articles [ New mostly Detailed Index ].

History of Silly Ideas Sociology Organisations: Unions, Political Groups, Govt Departments, New Organisations Populations Geography Finance David Bryant on Mensa on Haavara Agreement A few Samples of Jewish revisionism since History as replacement of old memes by new Routes to Revisionism Comparative Revisionism Final Triumph of Revisionism ].

How was it replaced by what's called Christianity? It may resemble the present day's 'Jews'—a group of intra-specialists, and a herd who were expected to follow, and almost always did so, including commands to steal and defraud and kill and rape. It must have been obvious to anyone that new outlooks might change things. Papyrus seems to have become cheap and was obviously more portable that stone and baked clay tablets.

But the general view seems to be that they felt enlightened, shining, warm, lighted, golden—the word Christ being Greek, connected with gold. The chi-rho symbol of a fish from the Greek wordand the use of catacombs in Rome, suggests an empire-wide fusion. They may of course never have amounted to much. But their beliefs would have been nothing like Judaic beliefs. But it must have been obvious that organisation was necessary, and probably there was competition for bureaucrats wanting settled careers, with speakers and broadcasters, a common language, with reading and writing for messages and accounting, and buildings.

Probably Jews saw the opportunity to exploit in the guise of helping. Fairly modern map; the Aral Sea was once larger. Showing likely areas of religious takeovers by Jews. Arabs occupied a large area, and were well positioned to take over the remains of the Roman Empire, much of it around the Mediterranean Sea.

The Khazars had mountain and water barriers to the south, and were well-positioned to act with or against Silk Route merchants—and Huns, and Mongols, and the Chinese.

And the Kaifeng Jews, visually indistinguishable from Chinese. The technologies for producing ink brush or pen on papyrus, and binding the result, were well worked-out. Jews had plenty of stories to draw on, and a crude philosophy.

They must have wanted an army of controllable aggressive thugs, to carry out their own orders. Someone, possibly Jews, invented scripts in such languages as Arabic and Georgian. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. First, in AD, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. The tradition is that the illiterate Mohammed spent time in a cave, and emerged with writings which were God's words, G-d's words, Allah's words, or whatever.

Jews regard themselves as God, rather amusingly, so the tradition may well be accurate in that sense—discussing with Mohammed what he wanted, it must have been easy enough to assemble a pastiche of Jewish material aimed at Arabs, and add to it when circumstances changed. Let's look at supporting evidence. This alone suggests that literate foreigners compiled it, in language s which need no be Arabic.

The script may have been a Jew invention: The sounds must have been similar. Vowel sounds were not used; some texts are undotted. The Quran does not use Jewish script, presumably what's now called Hebrew, but Jews would not have wanted Arabs to be able to read their 'sacred' psychopathy. For example, Abraham was inserted. Otherwise, Arabs were to be as violent and vicious and grasping as possible, with Christians a possible exception, depending on Jewish policies at different times.

Of course the Talmud provided many handy examples of viciousness. And of course it provided no examples of unparasitic activity. Here's what may be the naturally evolved state of Arabs: The Arab was a nomad, not a cultivator, and brought with him The Arab is sometimes called the Son of the Desert, but Yet Arabs are withal, the quickest of peoples to follow the call to truth and righteousness.

For their natures are relatively simple and free from the distorting effect of bad habits and evil ways Too long for inclusion, but note similarities: So much so, that today Muslim populations are huge; [3] Dysgenic things can be expected to have been inserted into Islam, where there are many genetic diseases—though Judaism has these, too; [4] Jihad is not explicitly present in Judaism, where deep fanatical grudging hate is nursed, and mass murder run by Jews occurs only when conditions are favourable.

As far as I know, Islam is assumed to be more-or-less without planning or memorials, since historical awareness might lead them to quiz Jews. Marco Polo's Travels may well be spurious Note: Arnold Leese on Jews, Communism, China.

Netanyahu and his father. Why so-called 'Jews' may be referred to as 'Turco-Mongol'. Note that Khazars see this tribe as converts to Judaism may have helped Mongols invade Europe, just as they helped Moslems invade Europe earlier, and later.

Some online sites used by mileswmathis. It is worth noting that both The Times and The Daily Telegraph were under the ownership of Joseph Moses Levy from to The DT was founded by Colonel Arthur B Sleigh in and his paper was printed by Levy who already owned The Times.

It's perfectly possible Jews were given Russia, in a secret agreement before or during the First World War. Everyone's heard of the Balfour Agreement on Palestine - which was trumpeted, advertised, promoted, supported, noticed. But why should there not have been a secret agreement to award Russia to Jews? There had been a constant feed of propaganda in Europe against Russia at least since Napoleon's time.

In view of the unanimity of censorship about events in Russia as Jews took over, this is certainly highly probable. Antony Cyril Sutton was born an Englishman, inand died an American on June 17, He graduated from the University of Southampton, home of the Parkes Institute, and in relocated to California, becoming an American citizen in It was while at Stanford University's Hoover Institution that he wrote a massive three volume study Western Technology And Soviet Economic Development ; later he would condense this into National Suicide: Military Aid To The Soviet Union.

The thesis of this work is basically that there was no such thing as Soviet technology, that from the very beginning, the United States - or both political and business elements within the United States - assisted the Soviet Union, and that it built it through the s and 30s, and even more astonishingly through the Cold War and the arms race, including even the Vietnam War, when American service personnel were being maimed and killed by Soviet-made ordnance.

Note the early use of the 'Nazi' slang. This sort of thing was the reason for the Daily Express headline next item. British 'Daily Telegraph' March Typical of press untruth—Jewish issues are censored.

Time for apartheid Israel to adopt a humane, liberal immigration policy". Bercow, Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Hain: I remember him for saying something like: As for [name], who the hell is he?

Teaching Real Jewish Studies: What Everyone Should Know About Jews - Suggestions for Awareness Courses [ Practical, Applied, Theory-Free Jew Teaching for Everyone Race Religion Philosophy History of Ideas Unions, Political Groups, Govt Departments, New Organisations Populations, Demography Geography Finance Media Studies BBC Books Film Critics Education Jewish exam paper Science Scientific Method Medicine, Nutrition Health vs Harm Studies Agriculture History International History From a random start, ethnocentric strategies dominate other possible strategies selfish, traitorous, and humanitarian based on cooperation or non-cooperation with in-group and out-group agents.

Selfish and traitorous strategies are self-limiting because such agents do not cooperate with agents sharing the same genes. Traitorous strategies fare even worse than selfish ones because traitors are exploited by ethnocentrics across group boundaries in the same manner as humanitarians are, via unreciprocated cooperation.

Quoted from The Occidental Observer Aug 10 online, quoting The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation The very simple shapes suggest an over-simple genetic model, at least to me, but this sort of thing may prove powerful.

Is there a connection between population size and numbers of bosses? Revisionist Geopolitics Vast size of Africa. The maps of these countries are in 'equal area' projection. Is it coincidence that these huge areas are both victims of Jews? Chicago Tribune cartoon, Pierre de Craon June 14, - 6: Jews had gravitated toward the New York City public schools since the s Jews had established an informal network that operated to draw co-religionists into the system, providing information on vacancies, job contacts, and test preparation assistance, among other advantages.

By the s, in New York, it was almost an instinctive reaction for a Jewish college graduate to consider teaching in the city's schools as a career option. Projects Are educational courses in which one person targets anotherwho is seen as a suitable case for introduction to the Jewish Question.

A 'project' may take a week; or a month; or many months. Since decades of lies are to be reversed, time and patience are necessary. The promise of better understanding of the world is the prize.

Projects may be felt to be futile, because, at present, Jews have an overwhelming control of money and media. And yet, who knows: David Duke was critically influenced by one woman; Bradley Smith by a solitary protestor; Lady Renouf by Irving; Dennis Wise by his father. Truth about Jews has been censored for four hundred years and more; present-day progress is, in comparison, lightning-fast.

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Here's a short snippet supposedly on 'aid': What was possible for some men, e. Jewish vocabulary, including 'Marxism', in propaganda mode, is always in that style—vague, useless, aimed at weakness, intended to divide and rule, rigorously ignoring every bit of counter-evidence. And if the sums are not repaid on time Then, as forfeit, they would take everything; All that the man has earned in his lifetime There are remarks throughout this site including reviews of books on evolution by Dawkins and I'd like to list some discussion points, without expecting complete certainty to emerge.

Not so much thinking outside the box of evolution, but thinking inside the biggest box. In my opinion, anyone wanting an unmathematical review of evolution, free of recent accumulated nonsense, should study Alfred Russel Wallace, the originator of the theory of evolution, rather than Darwin. Wallace was fourteen years younger than Darwin, and had time to ponder and reconsider his own theory in depth. His Darwinism seems the best source.

What do these people have in common? Thatcher's advisor, Blair, Griffin's subject matter, staged demo, George Galloway in South Africa, George Soros, US entertainer, Dimbleby. Erica Sherova-Marcuse 'Ricky Marcuse'2nd wife of Herbert Marcuse of the 'Frankfurt School'. The US 'Department of Justice' finally includes Hispanics as a category—but still as part of 'whites'. Not only 'Hispanics' are falsely counted by the FBI. In Gaul, during the decline of the Roman Empire, "so numerous were the receivers in comparison with the payers, and so enormous the weight of taxation, that the labourer broke down, the plains became deserts, and woods grew where the plough had been.

Nor have we been without incidents of a kindred nature at home. Besides the facts that under the old Poor Law the rates had in some parishes risen to half the rental, and that in various places farms were lying idle, there is the fact that in one case the rates had absorbed the whole proceeds of the soil.

Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made often literally his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i. Humid heat induces a lethargy compounded by chronic illness in many populations.

Water-borne and mosquito-transmitted diseases are almost impossible to totally control, given the aerial reservoirs of water developed by palms and bromeliads. Back to Top Cans of Worms: Discovering the True Past.

How Historical Revisionism Progresses Specifically Jewish Revisionisms: Read him and notice among other things Part of this site shows reasonably conclusively that nuclear weapons were a fraud, and the 'atom spies' were, too.

Maybe they were simply to make money for Jews. In fact, many of them are for phoney work. Perhaps I should update this word, since telephones have been technologically outpaced by digital transmissions. How about 'didgy' as a new version of 'phoney'? However, Bryant was one of the few to work on the probable murder of James Forrestal, Secretary of the US Navy, by Jews. Bertrand Russell opposed British and, later, American intervention in the First World War.

However, he never doubted that the Second World War was admirable and just. He later opposed nuclear weapons, having no idea of their likely Jewish fraudulence.

He had no idea Cuba may have been a marrano Jewish construct, nor did he see any connection between JFK's murder and Jews. He came to oppose what he saw as American war crimes, notably in Vietnam, which were covered up by Jewish interests: He became part of the Jewish process of pretending racial differences aren't significant, though I doubt he had much grasp of that policy.

Richard Verrall perhaps with other author s took on the 'Holocaust' myth, which had been put in place by Jewish media in the thirty years since He also perceived the link with immigration into white countries and anti-white and anti-national views. Kitty Little 's Treason at Westminster I think supported the Second World War on what she thought were patriotic grounds. However, she thought the Soviet Union was trying to build a world empire: She has details on reducing of British power, by the Labour Party, by damage to industry, finance, military strength, and so on, and assorted laws and agreements, including weakening treason legislation, but with no specific Jewish background information.

She noted the use of deliberate immigration as a ploy to damage Britain, and the related anti-white propaganda. Her work is based on Britain though much the same might have been said of many countries. She is aware of fifth column activity, but doesn't have a theory of what should be done where a hostile elite or layer pursues policies opposite to the general population. She had a science background, and was something of a whistleblower, for example against 'the pill', and diesel engines, but had no insight into nuclear matters.

She discusses 'Communism' with little emphasis on its Jewishness. She extends into the UNO, and the European Community, which she notes correctly is a Soviet-style undemocratic construction.

In retrospect most of the big frauds were helped by supposed 'defecting spies' with sensational stories: There's an account of Roger Hollis, the head of MI5, laughing as Wright explained laboriously what evidence he had for Hollis' leaks. Lady Birdwood in The Longest Hatred pieced together Jewish fiat money, including the 'Federal reserve', and included material on coloured immigration.

She included the Talmud, Freemasons, and wars, notably Iraq. She still mentions Churchill positively, but recognises the 'Holocaust' as a fraud, fortified by Fred Leuchter, and names Jews in Britain as behind race laws and other manipulations.

She doesn't mention depressions, strangling of money supplies, buying up profitable businesses, and war profits, or at least not very clearly. She even included Jewish mal-education. However she was not much good on science frauds. Kitty Little 's Mammon vs God follows Birdwood in identifying usury not I think defined as e. Note that H G Wells wanted world government; but not run by a clique of Jews. Kitty Little is more nationalistic, though she liked the British Commonwealth and its co-operation.

She has a very Christian outlook and goes so far as to take Biblical accounts of races as genuine history. She notices the use of 'war crimes' as a pretext - i. And she notices the use of law to damage whites and benefit immigrants; and the equivalent internationally, using deceit, psychological operations, and what are often called 'false flags'.

She notes the Jewish attacks on Christianity. This is just a very brief survey of just a few sources, but they help show that disentangling truth in the teeth of propaganda and violence is not a simple process.

Let's take some examples: NASA's moon fraud goes back many years; peoples' awakening has been variable, and of course there are people—pop musicians, journalists etc—who haven't woken up; ditto the 'Holocaust', ditto blacks and Jews.

It's obvious that attitudes to science, to Jews, to politicians, will change; and blacks' attitudes to whites as opposed to Jewish slave-owners in the past, will change. As with a detective story, new information leads to new guesses. For example, covert murders by Jews will be much more likely to be explored in future. The entire disaster of the 20th century is a start, but people will look at for example the 19th century—the US Civil War, for example, the Opium Wars.

And earlier—Cromwell, and events after the Civil War, which probably have parallels with BBC and other propaganda in Britain after the Second World War, providing useful reference points for comparison; and the Reformation which must have parallels with revisionist awakenings now, for example discovery of frauds the 'Donation of Constantine' and the 'Holocaust', as examples.

In fact the whole of history is up for intellectual grabs: Spain and the Inquisition—is it true that Jews regard Muslims as a large dim population, and are happy to live exploiting them? China offers possibilities for serious revisionist work extending back over millennia. Consider for example- 'Ethnic Chinese' in the far east: China appears to have had paper or silk money in parallel with cash.

Is this related to literacy, and the development of a legal stratum of officials? China has, or had, or may have had, literary works of great antiquity. Have these had influence down to the present day? Has their system had the effect of choking off inventiveness?

Was the competitive exam system rigged? Is there evidence of secret groups having been concealed, as Jews and Freemasons have been kept secret? The revisionist Michael Hoffman II takes a Roman Catholic view; for example, he is disgusted by Jewish film-makers vulgarism and their lies about Germans; but he has a French Catholic view of Vietnam, and doesn't worry about American atrocities there.

He's interested in textual research, and reprinted in facsimile form The Traditions of the Jewspublished inEnglish language excerpts translated from Johann Andreas Eisenmenger's two-volume Entdecktes Judenthum Traditions of the Jews. Spanish revisionists have views on Jews and Muslims, who co-existed during the period of Muslim invasions and conversions; and have their own opinions on the Spanish Civil War; it may be that ETA is a fake, used as a cover for assassinations, as the IRA is possibly a Jewish front for attacks against non-Jews in Britain.

German revisionists—probably semi-secretly—must take views on the devastation of Germany, and eastern Europe, and the importation of Turks. Swedes will pay attention to the presentation of the crazed Barbara Specter. Americans will have to consider whether war with Japan was inevitable, when they fully realise Pearl Harbor was a phoney. Russians will perhaps carry out serious investigations into Jews in their country, and their massacres.

Fomenko's views, in numerous books, might be called hyper-revisionism. Another approach, made easier by Internet, is research of the sort possibly pioneered by Miles Mathis: There are religious divides: Investigations of science frauds are in their infancy, and of course the whole of science fraud lends itself to deliberate dumbing-down in education and the media. Probably new styles of economics, and sociology of science, taking into account these lessons, will develop. If censorship continues, it's possible countries will pull ahead unexpectedly, in the way Britain did after the Reformation.

Possibly, for example, someone can show that large groups of people cannot be stable, because small groups inevitably communicate amongst themselves and become de facto conspiracies; or that there are undiscovered laws about information, secrecy and societies; or that high productivity inevitably causes energetic people to take up crime, to fill in the time.

As an example, consider democracy and political parties. Viewed from a revisionist point of view, these seem ideally adapted to generate and exploit divisions—a divide-and-weaken strategy.

It's possible that the movement for parties note the etymology: The 'Labour' Party, invented more-or-less inillustrates this. Similarly, the undemocratic control of the financial part of companies, corporations, cartels, customs unions and so on may illustrate a different part of the same process.

I hope a body of work will develop, explaining what Jews have done in the last few centuries, and what, if anything, can be done to correct it. Before we start, a dash of cold water: Routes to Revisionism include: These include descriptions as for example Noam Chomsky and the Spanish Civil War, which happened in his youth. Chomsky took the Jewish side and is not a revisionist, but many people exposed to the media go through something similar, perhaps of the Second World War, or of supposed nuclear tests, or of Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on.

Descriptions are not of course the real thing, but they often have the feel of the real thing. Because Jewish media, overwhelmingly dominant, never reports these things accurately, all revisionists have to return to the topic from an alternative source. When this happens the new information is often rejected.

But sometimes it is accepted, the more so with increasing exposure to more material. Truths about Eisenhower, Churchill, the Normandy Landings, the USSR, Auschwitz, Hitler and so on are slowly having their effects.

The European concentration camps are a popular example—large numbers of people claim to have been there first, and there are many people exposed to wars in Vietnam, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan. Because the money and power side is hidden, many such people have little idea of what was happening at the time.

However they may be able to piece together more accurate views given time; quite a number of important revisionists came by this route. Photographic and film expertise has been a route for many. Large numbers of people are competent in digital movie media and special effects, and the earlier film media, and this has been important in exposing 'Holocaust' fakes, 'Moon Landing' and 'Space Station' other NASA fakes.

However the more recent depression, with the drop in official figures for M3, and the observation of many people that money was tighter, has focussed attention on Jewish money and frauds more closely than before.

Translations of Jewish 'holy' books are online, with commentaries and search boxes.

who makes our money by f j irsigler pdf

Much of this material is genuinely shocking, and often unexpected. It has been available since the s, but ignored by all churches; the suppression of such information by churches is likely to weaken churches worldwide. Some aspects of Talmudic and Islamic 'holy books' will be compared with political events, and it will be obvious that these influences are part of the cause.

Pornography, sex with children, and rape of unaccompanied women are an example. Opposition to Christian symbols and holidays, however trivial, and intrusion of alien festivals and symbols, will be noticed even by people reluctant at first to admit the influence. Other documents, notably the Protocols of Zion and Frankfurt Schoolwill explain deliberate and secret damage to whites by Jews: Kol Nidre has been described thus: All Jews renew an oath every year to not tell the truth about anything they choose to lie about.

And lucrative science frauds will I hope be identified where they are Jewish-backed: AIDS, climate change, nuclear issues, biology issues. So will insistent propaganda themes of Jews: Here are some examples: The chain of events casts a very different light on the 'Great War' from the usual stories: I recently concluded the 'Labour' party, so-called, was a Jewish invention, an idea new to me.

The 'Manhood Suffrage' Act of seems to have been drafted to allow immigrant Jews the vote, despite their having no connection with the country. Between immigration of endless impoverished Jews was finally stopped Winston Churchill filibustered to delay this. Jewish 'money' must have been part of the process: British labour was too scattered for dues to be collected. Inthe Jew Sidney Webb drafted 'Clause 4' which see above only mentioned wages, and not the super-rich, or the money system This must of course have been intentional.

And so on up to the present day—supporting very many wars—where 'Labour' is theoretically led by a half-caste Jew, Miliband. After the Second World War —a period presented as confused, with a powerful USSR, new nuclear weapons, communists in Europe, Cuba, the JFK murder, and so on.

However the Jewish thread clears up many misunderstandings: Jews desperately wanted the USSR not to be inspected while receiving equipment from the USA. The Jewish 'elite' mass killings notably in the USSR, and links between them and British and USA Jews explain why they wanted this, and how it was done. JFK was murdered to keep the Fed fraud going. For which I apologise. As far as I know, Napoleon, funded by Jews, grabbed what he could throughout Europe. This led to two types of French people - fellow-travellers who were enriched, and everyone else who wasn't.

So native French prosperity dropped, just as native Britons did after Cromwell. Jewish control of money led to empires, which were described as 'French' and 'British' but were Jew-promoted, and violent when it came to Jewish greed; consider Vietnam, for example.

Both Jew-promoted World Wars damaged France. David Irving's promotion for his new book in says, as a surprising shock item, that France was the second-most bombed country presumably in Europe. The Algerian War story must have a Jewish element which has been suppressed. I don't suppose there's a French version of the 'Empire Windrush' event, since there must have been influxes all the time. We need, not only revisionism, but 'comparative revisionism' to collate all the Jewish frauds and hostilities.

The story of France is just one example. The important point to grasp is that it may take decades, or centuries, to understand a people. Many breakthroughs in understanding have been painfully slow: Intentional misinformation by Jews has slowed the process.

But it's not unreasonable to suppose that experts will come to understand Jewish malice and harm, just as there is widespread expertise on engines, vitamins, and bacteria. And many non-experts will come to understand Jews, too. More knowledge islands will emerge and be made firm As the ideas of malign Jewish influence spread, truthful people will look for, and find, Jewish influence in their own lives and experiences. Common threads will appear, and will be made firm Comparisons with other people and groups, including international evidence, will lead to reliable evidence on multifarious Jewish activities.

Hierarchy of information about Jewish methods will be established It will become clearer how Jews operate. Very diverse fields—schooling, political parties, advertising, genocides in remote areas, corruption of governments, prostitution, weapons, charities, fake think tanks, body parts, family law, secrets and concealment, religions, multinational organisations, poisons in everyday life, real and bogus scientific research, farming and food—will be compared, and discoveries made how Jews operate, and how their policies were originated i.

Not as simple as they seem to imagine! Financial roots will be identified and made clear The underlying use made by Jews of paper and e-money will be quantified. Simplifications and slogans and numerical approximations will be established, plus more detailed theory and more accurate history The techniques of identifying groups and setting them against each other, so that both are weakened, and also Jews benefit, will be simplified, so phrases and proverbs will be understood by everyone.

People will discover rules-of-thumb on for example the costs of Jewish money control, and the offloading of costs of wars for Jews. Better reckoning will be made of deaths due to Jews and the true costs of their frauds. These discoveries will be applied to the past, and truer history will emerge, giving an infinitely more reliable picture of the present day and likely future.

World-wide clashes and reform will take place, incidentally revealing Jewish character As the necessary reforms clarify, Jewish reaction will be provoked. My personal guess is that Jewish behaviour is, by now, genetic: When the processes typical of Jews will be understood by sufficient people, practical steps will be made to counter them.

Read This to Understand Our World: Invest a Little Time Into Your Whole Future Other Internet Sites: EVOLUTION OF JEWS AS PARASITES OF CITIES ] General Interest Articles [ New mostly Detailed Index ] Teaching Real Jewish Studies in Depth: David Bryant on Mensa on Haavara Agreement A few Samples of Jewish revisionism since History as replacement of old memes by new Routes to Revisionism Comparative Revisionism Final Triumph of Revisionism ] Endnote from Helen Thomas in The Occidental Observer Main Website Home Page [ Truths about Judaism: Top of Page Guide for the Politically Perplexed Jewish articles 'Real Jewish Studies' by subjects March of Revisionism ] At the present time, here are just two examples of Internet revisionism, each trying to identify and disentangle Jewish malevolence: It's documented up toincluding Khazars as false Jews, Cromwell, the French Revolution, the USA and Jackson, the 'Civil War', the Opium Wars, gold and silver standards, greenbacks etc, the Boer War, the destruction of the Tsar, the First and Second World Wars including Germany and Japan, the Depression, the founding of Israel, Iraq wars, assassinations etc.

However, perhaps appropriately, it has material on 'Biblical Prophecies' and 'Satanism'. My short review —the book has no conclusion section, and doesn't investigate how e.

However some of the site needs a small payment. An obvious example is the forgiving attitude of [parts of] Christianity. Another is the viciously homicidal and genocidal God. Bishops, Popes and so on more or less correspond to 'politically correct' collaborators of Jews. Fortunately, Christianity, despite its power, never overcome local forces of opposition.

Most economic theory is short-term and does not consider money backed by governments or other force, crashes, panics, and financial subsidies in a way analogous to wars. And science revisionism including everything from education theory to biology and nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

And reconsideration of general personal histories: F J Irsigler's Who Makes Our Money? Genetic studies on Greece notably to what extent modern Greeks resemble ancient Greeks must in my view be in their infancy.

I select that publication to exemplify the slow spread of revisionist ideas back in time. Decline and Fall of Rome. Christianity allowed after Jews Judaised it and supported an inferior Roman Emperor. Jews waned; Islam was a later 'Abrahamic' invention by Jews to exploit Arabs against whites.

A few centuries later, the Khazars were converted, or taken over, or genetically changed by the new 'Judaism'; but were positioned to significantly affect the route between Asia and Europe. This movement must have been taken over by Jews; the process has been analogous in modern Europe, and what became the USA over a similar time period.

Essentially, Jews took a chance on inventing a new group which they could secretly run. Probably all the Gospels and Acts were forgeries, designed to implant 'Yeshua' into Christianity, where it did not previously exist. Judging by Jewish techniques now, their documents and preachers and hired followers and thugs would shout down and drown out opposition.

Anyone who thinks that this is implausible should examine modern Jewish techniques: Propaganda about Nero is an interesting parallel from the Roman world to propaganda about Hitlernow.

The 'black legend' about Spain, parallels the vilification of Germany now. Having felt the sharp end of Roman power, they would preach self-absorption, best manual forex trading systems, pacifism and 'turning the other cheek', chastity a white population control methodleaving families, and giving money away.

He may have relied on Jews to support his army. The Christian States which succeeded it continued to fight each other, though also Whether they have anywhere to go if the US fails must be something they consider. Why not try to improve matters? Jews are concerned mortgage contingency earnest money themselves, and, probably genetically, are programmed to hate rivals. They were not interested in prolonging the system, any more than Jews now want the white world to flourish.

A controlled Church suited them. Or at least they moved towards it, with fanatical and imbecilic lack of thought. Jews may have declined, or been killed or thrown out—perhaps a motive for trying the same trick on Arabs, and fleeing to Khazaria. I'd suggest much of the destruction of documents was a Jewish activity carried out with the concentrated energy of parasites: Many Americans at the present day seriously imagine that belief in the mythical 'Christ' figure will stop wars.

For example, the Old Testament was made official in the final assembly of a canon of works, all, absurdly, Jewish. Much of the Middle Ages is a tug or war between lurking Jews, who generally made trouble by fomenting wars, and the more overt Roman and Eastern and Orthodox Churches, who often foolishly took up larger loans than they questrade forex trading review possibly afford.

Denunciations of Jews and usury by the Church looks likely to be partrly fake: The 'they killed Jesus' idea may have been made up to pretend the Church was very anti-Jewish, or to highlight real or supposed supposed differences between sects or groups. At present, Jews have the upper hand, and have changed many tenets of churches unrecognisably; and of course they had the triumph of massacring millions of Orthodox Russians, equivalent perhaps to massacres in north Africa and Cyprus in about AD.

The influence of Jews in Turkey and Arabia and Africa is becoming better-known now, with Internet. But it's possible early Jews wanted to rule; maybe they were not powerful or convincing or impressive enough to impose themselves. Considering how the 'Holocaustianity' fraud is being pushed worldwide, I'd guess the unstated aim was to rule—something to bear in mind.

In my opinion this separation was most fortunate, since it allowed some scope for creativity and genius. Based on so-called 'Jews' and their behaviour today, it's also possible to reconstruct the invention of Islam, as Rome and Christianity finally weakened and failed. Truths about Judaism ] AD very hedge trading in forex to the present day.

Options unrestricted market value, and the lost Khazar Empire: Note that the combination of a nomadic group, unused to towns, and the opportunities for parasitism, plus the crystallising effect of book-induced inbreeding and hatred of other groups, seem to have combined almost ideally after about AD to produce cults dangerous to all who came into contact with them.

The parachuted-in version of 'Judaism' day trading indicators forex Islam, though not by much, suggesting that parasitism had become a workable lifestyle preying on static civilisations.

Possibly predator-prey relationships will be found, if serious history continues to increase. The Khan added nothing to the material resources of the Khazars, and yet, within a few years, they had acquired a large empire. Undoubtedly, the religion imposed by the Khan was an essential element in the success of this nation. If interested, see here, below. The 'Abrahamic' religions seem to have had more conversions and alliances than customary history likes.

David Duke and Kevin MacDonald joined forces in opposing the Khazar hypothesis. David Duke quotes Arthur Koestler, a 'Hungarian Jew' and populariser of the Khazar idea, who hoped that if most Eastern European Jews were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be earn lump sum of cash and anti-Semitism itself could disappear.

However, Koestler did little original research, but simply quoted from a number of sources, probably authentic, some very early, on the Khazars who lived between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, north of the Caucasus Mountains—which are taller than the Alps. Jews, Khazars, DNA and Jews and Muslims: Similar Tribal Cults look at some of the issues, post-Roman Empire. Kevin MacDonald's work on Jews assumed they were 'Jews' as defined more-or-less Biblically in the USA, and wanted a genetic link, not a discontinuity between two separate groups of 'Jews'.

Most 'Jews' seem to have settled down into opposing the Khazar idea, within themselves, by David Duke claims they promote the Khazar idea for non-Jews including Michael A Hoffman; his works are all Khazar-based.

This seems a mistake to me. They object because of behaviour, not the cash flow indirect method retained earnings basis'. Changing the name makes no difference! A Jew by any other name smells the same. Islam was influential at roughly the same time, spread widely, and must have had effects promoting inbreeding, fanaticism, and so on in the affected populations.

So I see no difficulty with a somewhat isolated tribe, the Khazars, being genetically modified by Talmudic material over a few centuries. As a thought experiment: It's possible Duke and MacDonald have a submerged aim in mind: With luck, counterattacks like Open Borders for Israel and detailed analysis of Jewish assets will finally strong buy stocks may 2016 them.

Normandy was ceded to the 'Norseman' Rolf the Ganger, 'Rollo', 'leader of the Vikings', in the treaty of Saint-Claire-Sur-Epte with Charles the Simple. The family of Rolf took the name 'Sinclair' from this treaty. William the Conqueror was Rolf's great great great grandson. The Sinclairs founded Freemasonry. So here we have supposed 'northmen' who opened up England to the Jews. Truths about Judaism ] c - c Expulsions of Jews. This very much shortened list is from Frank Britton's bookletthe source probably being the Encyclopaedia Britannica of the time: Jews expelled in by Edward I.

Not permitted to re-enter till Expelled in by Philip the Fair. A few were permitted to return but were again evicted in Jewish settlements remained in Bordeaux, Avignon, Marseilles, from where they were evicted in and in the northern province of Alsace. By the Jews were in flash crash of the stock market in may 2016 of Hungary's tax collections.

In they were expelled but later returned. In they were again expelled from the Christian part of Hungary. A few settled there again how to invest in philippine stock market pdfbut no large numbers came till Ousted from Prague in Many settled there again after In Marie Theresa expelled them again.

Expelled in by Albrecht V. Expelled from Utrecht in Expelled in by Grand Duke Alexander. Expelled from Kingdom of Naples and Sardinia in Banned permanently in Jews were not permitted to enter Sweden until None were permitted to enter Denmark before the 17th century and they were not allowed in Norway after The exception was POLANDvery likely because of large Khazar presence there after the Khazar conversion, and Turkey, ditto: Jewish policy is essentially parasitic, and a hit-and-run strategy is an example of this.

It's possible some 'expulsions' were in fact Jews moving, taking loot with them, and falsely claiming to have been thrown out. Or 'expulsions' may have been secretly agreed, Jews escaping punishment for murders. Such agreements might well have included payments from Jews. The invention and enforcement of paper money altered Jewish strategy: Belgium, France, and Sweden, then move out, claiming to have been driven out.

For example, any mobile or displaced group may have been called 'Jews', or may have called themselves 'Jews'. The etymology of 'Jew', and the ways the word was used as printing became established, and the ways the word was used in religious speech and writings, appear to be contentious—but it's difficult to be sure even if the issue is genuinely contentious. A revisionist view is that William 'the Bastard'—note the surname suppression—was Jewish, and the 'Norman' Invasion a Jewish event, probably preceded by a feint with Norwegians attacking in the north.

The small size of the invasion suggests there must have been collaborators. Might be compared with Jews in Russia afterand 'Communists'—the 'harrying of the north' having genocidal population-killing effects, and the Domesday Book a bureaucratic list of assets. There are copy typing job from home comparisons of mediaeval guilds and modern times: And teaching—because of its long-term nature, and because serious education was largely private—was excluded from guilds.

Law was another exception, easy to understate. Perhaps builders of out-of-town huge stone castles, cathedrals, churches, and perhaps houses and halls, who must have been skilled and somewhat mobile, gave rise to the 'Freemasons' idea, later of course taken over by Jews and collaborators. They are supposed to buy stock options scottrade been an Islamic splinter-group or cult, with intense internal propaganda, and with members who were killers of rival Islamic leaders.

Based near the Caspian Sea, they score sleep studies from home jobs based in the extreme south-east of the Khazar empire. They seem to have been erased by the Mongols. Names include Timur or Tamerlaine and tribal descriptions include 'Turco-Mongol'.

Although largely forgotten outside Russia, these invasions made a great impression at the time. Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great was written after about the same time as we are from Napoleon. I'm assuming conventional historical dating. As with the Hun empire, something westfield liverpool anzac day trading hours a millennium earlier, there's some insubstantiality, caused perhaps by the lack of written material: So they join the pre-Greek and pre-Roman empires of antiquity in surviving only when specialists decoded their writings or inferred their beliefs.

Starting with translations of the Bible. It's not known, or not clear, to what extent this was a Jewish movement. Note however the important division right through the movement.

Luther, having read Jewish 'holy' books, became anti-Jewish. On the other hand some states were undecided: Though of course this process took time, and was not completed in Britain until Cromwell's death, after which the Restoration of making money with scrap silver monarchy made things look somewhat as before, plus such organisations as the Bank of England.

When people discuss Jews in say Venice, Italy, or Spain, bear in mind this year hiatus. No doubt there is an intimate connection with the immense flowering of the Renaissance in Europe. And no doubt a connection with the finance of wars and their locations. Revisionist-minded people might consider reframing old-style Jew-denying history to include hypotheses involving Jews.

I'd like to suggest what happened may rather have been connected with Jews attempting to get access to Japan.

Orange is an area of the Netherlands. King of England, Ireland, and Scotland It's easy to miss Dutch connections with Jews: Boers despite being Dutch in origin are ignored, no doubt because of Jewish hate of whites. Prynne is now usually dismissed as a Puritan fanatic who hated the theatre.

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Only about five years after Cromwell gave Jews a foothold in England. Earlier finances in Italy and Germany faded. This set the stage for Jewish movement to Britain from the Netherlands and from Venice, under Cromwell: Britain was nearer the New World, and had many ports for ships. Probably the Bank of England was built after deliberate fire clearance in London. And probably the decline of the Hanseatic League followed and was planned.

War devastated German states: And in the following century enclosures improved farming, but not ordinary peoples' lives. A downloadable oror ! Metapedia was taken over and ruined. Internet permits families to be checked for distinctive signs of Jew tampering, biographies to be compared and checked for absurdities, intersections detected between organisations, and so on.

Perhaps unexpectedly, the Jew-patrolled Wikipedia is a fertile source for data mining of biographies. An interesting possibility is that monarchs and dynasties may be checked for Jewish infiltration. Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck appear to be Jewish or Jew-controlled pretenders, and the 'Windsors' Jewish, in England, for example.

This technique is well-adapted to smallish groups—families, aristocracies, leaders—but less useful for large-scale events, such as wars, invasions, and anything large-scale. If records will be published giving information on corporations, armies, large industries, governments and so on, no doubt data mining could lead to stock broker ballarat advances in understanding.

Mathis supplements 1 Biographies with 2 visual clues, derived from his portrait painting, as to facial and body similarities and sizes, and related issues of photo fakery; and 3 organisational procedures and promotions in legal, military, aristocratic family, and intelligence structures.

So that—just three examples—Charles Manson, bearded and in prison, is impossible. And the Tate killings were a fake. Zimbabwe stock market index the Dresden bombing or photo s? Hawthorne looks back at Bostonians and the East India Coplus Thoreauand Walt Whitman Lincoln is a terrific reassessment of the 'assassination' by an actor inand Custer of Custer in Marx as far as I know, one of the best pieces on Marx looks at wealthy industrialists often of course 'Jews' misleading radicals, as does Labour Party, Noami Klein, Naomi Wolf Trayvon is on race wars, which Mathis seems to think are not real—he doesn't seem to sense the intentional Jewish prompting.

Taxes is a paper on deliberate lies about servicing interest payments.

I'm not claiming all his work is correct or original; but it's a relief to see head-on revisionism. Sharon Tate and O J Simpson. On June Mathis posted Lenin and the 'Russian Revolution'. At the time of writing, Mathis is looking at the beginning of the 'American Revolution': Who Was George Washington? See my review of a book on John Hunter for the intellectual atmosphere, and the unnoticed intrusions of Jews led to the disaster of Napoleon. However, there were extensive discussions on Jews, which later were ignored and suppressed.

But enough is left to be able to how to make money with a membership sitetalk the debates and have some idea of omissions. Jewish names include Mendez da Costa and Sampson Who makes our money by f j irsigler pdf opponents in England include Sir John Barnard, the Earl of Egmont, Sir Edmund Isham; the main contention was on 'Naturalization'.

The name seems to have been retained, more or less: Probably this was much larger, and designed to advance Jews in post-Napoleonic Europe, by doing their bit with propaganda and lies. Byclaimed to be 'the largest school in Europe'.

Wording probably chosen to sound 'natural', and to avoid any suggestion of citizenship or native Britishness. There was a conflict between the House of Lords and House of Commons. It was never made an Act of Parliament. The war against the USA must have involved Jewish interests, as indeed was known at the time.

Note that Washington was a Freemason an online source says inaged 21, Washington was made a 'Master Mason'. And similarly in Europe: Napoleon Revisitedtoo long for inclusion here, looks at the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Legends, and incidentally headed off serious investigation into the Middle Ages.

Poe and Verne post-dated Morgan, and perhaps suggest that commentary on secret societies became more obscure—or perhaps that there was progressive emergence from obscurity, unwelcome to members. In France, though, Freemasonry was well-known after the conditional asset pricing and stock market anomalies in europe, because of its Jewish-Masonic opposition to the Roman Catholic church.

Freemasonry looks like the front-runner of secret societies, a conjunction of Jews and non-Jews, notably with nationally-located 'Super Lodges', though perhaps 'Common Purpose' is replacing it at exchange rate british pound to naira levels.

Reference books on religions, and legal systems, deal with such things cautiously. From a power point of view, secret societies are obviously important and potentially dangerous. They can be considered as religions, if this comparison is felt to be desirable, but with a selected membership, a steeply-graded internal hierarchy, and aims which the membership were anxious to keep secret.

Not all progressive measures are as slow as the Reformation. Here's an extract from a blurb for a book on the Thuggee cult note the Jew-like conflation of religion with membership: For generations the Thugs went almost completely unchecked. The British government, calmly tallying "misadventures," remained unconcerned because Thugs killed almost no Europeans. Thugs were often of the Brahman caste.

When they were arrested, they were almost invariably released for lack of evidence. It was as if the Thugs corrupted from thags, Hindustani for "deceivers" had managed to keep the country hypnotized. The Thug modus operandi was to assume the guise of peaceful travelers. Joining parties with their victims, they would charm them right up to the moment at which one designated Thug would seize a doomed man's wrists while another Thug would strangle him from behind with a noose of white or yellow silk—Kali's favorite colors.

Thug son succeeded Thug father in the family business. Shrewd appraisers of rich victims, they carefully scouted out their targets. One boasted of murders in a fruitful year career. And a book with a similar title Judaism 's 'priests', ordinary Jews and make money cooking makaron z tuńczykiem 'goyim'make a parasitic religion with no place for practical groups.

The Rothschilds funded attacks on several Christian monarchies on the continent in ; they funded Britain's attack on Russia in the Crimean War of ; Disraeli deprived Russia of its victory over Turkey during the Balkan war in ; Rothschilds continuously undermined the Tsar's personal wealth in the bond market; Rothschilds drained the rising economic power of the US in a Civil War that began in and killedAmericans, i. Eastern and central Europe and Russia, the Ottoman Empire, the Mediterranean and Egypt and north-west India, Greece and Armenia in the 19th century cannot be understood without some view of Jews.

Conversely, Jews do what they can to obscure the issues, as any history texts prove; it's painful to consider the waste of effort by students at all levels of the 19th century world. The wars are always referred to as Anglo-Chinese, or other variants. This deliberately conceals Jewish motivations by pretending they were British.

To this day, few Britons or Americans separate the two interests: My reading is that Jews promoted these wars, to make money from drugs and also to seize loot: Would it have occurred to Britons as a whole to behave so barbarically?

I don't know, but the fact seems to be that the gains, if spread over the whole country would not have been worth the effort: On China being yet another Jewish-controlled state, see China and the Jews by 'Lasha Darkmoon'.

Not just on 21st century China, and the opium wars, but earlier times, sbi foreign exchange rates aud Jews in China itself, Kaifeng Jewsat least to the Middle Ages. Not very strong on sources and evidence, though Arnold Leese's article in Gothic Ripples 49, 28th February, seems to have provided much of it.

Haas JB Rajchman Ben Kizer. Ai, Shi, Gao, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. One was inthe Damascus affair in He intervened in a trial of a ritual murder of Padre Tomaso. Probably there is a pattern including 'Jack the Ripper' in east London, and the murder of Mary Phagan by Leo Franck in in the USA of demonstrating influence by getting away with murder. Montefiore's diaries in English translation are online, though I haven't read them.

More or less transliterable as Brown Farmer's The Jewish Question. Described as a 'student of Hegel' and a theologian, and also a tutor of Marx. I'm not claiming detailed familiarity with Bauer's work. However, this book, and its title, started some of the interminable dishonest wranglings about so-called Jews.

Marx with typical imitativeness wrote on this subject the following year. Bauer wrote before Germany was unified; it's slightly misleading to describe the people as 'German'. I haven't been able to relocate the exact quotation; but clearly this is relevant to the concealment of events in for example India, the Opium Wars, the Congo, Russia, and South Africa. I'm uncertain if this is in fact true; there may be confusion of the Times with Sunday Times: Jewish secrecy and deception come into play, and it's difficult to verify details of Jewish propaganda control, since for example company laws on disclosure vary.

The Times was regarded—this is the received view—as serious and reliable, as many people perhaps still view the BBC. Many of these are now in the hands of ghoulish Jewish 'collectors'.

This period was the infancy of archaeology; I don't personally know how accurate are the claims made for 5, years of Chinese historical evidence having been destroyed, and over a million imperial objects are estimated to have been taken from the site: However, in a period of about fifty years China spot forex trading cashback largely destroyed.

Note that Rumsfeld, a Jew living n the USA, made jokes about Iraqi artefacts, from the 'cradle of civilization', being destroyed. It's often said trend trading system forex factory Jews that 'Europe' plundered the world.

The Opium Wars show how doubtful this interpretation is: Forex bonus tanpa deposit 2015 benefited, but whether Britain would have gone to war over opium seems more doubtful. The Jews made personal fortunes, but, spread over the whole population of Britain, that would have been a small prize.

Note that one of the events supposedly leading to this destruction was two claimed murders; two 'unidentifiable' bodies were part of the evidence. This sounds like a false flag operation.

Grant took the strongest action against Jews in United States historyexpelling all Jews from his region of control - comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky, under General Order No. From a revisionist viewpoint, this book adopted Jewish eschatology: But most Jewish material is firmly and deliberately suppressed: Probably Marx accepted the idea after watching Remington 700 vtr accessories factory workers in Salford, and doing simple sums about pay rates per hour, but omitting buildings, sales, insurance, quality of the output, technical change, and so on.

Marx's Jewish associates, notably Rothschilds, must have blandly told him they intended to buy up this and that, and expand; the idea that Marx showed great insight into expansion of finance and capital is simple adsense adsense adsenseprofit.biz make money tricks Hegel's hyper-elaborate idealist philosophy of history ideas with priority over reality; plus 'the Absolute', possibly taken from Catholicism—as g shock watches online shopping india e.

Holy Church in her sacraments and her hierarchical appointments, will remain even to the end of the world, only a symbol of those heavenly facts which fill eternity. Marx's absurd idea that 'all history is a class war' inserted no doubt for 'divide and rule' reasonshis economic determinism, dialectical materialism, surplus value, the omission of definitions of 'capitalism' and legalities, all play cross-section of option returns and stock volatility part analogous to psychoanalytical terms in Freud, and theological terms in medieval scholasticism, providing scope for endless wrangling, and material for pamphlets and lectures, of the 'bullshit baffles brains' type.

Marx is not important as truth, but as an example of constructing lies, and the use of power to impose them. Probably the only constant is his elision of Jewish finance.

More on 'Communism' and Marxism Click left-arrow to return here. Much material about this public hatred for Germany can be found in any large library. See below,for the huge Jewish-backed 'Social Democrat' party in Germany. There were parallel campaigns against Germany and Russia in Britain, which most people simply absorbed without comment. It's agonising to contemplate the snoozing indolence of Victorian Americans and Britons, completely misunderstanding this warning event.

The Commune briefly ruled Paris from 18 March until 28 Mayafter being elected as the city council. Acting as a lightning conductor for socialist radicals from Poland to Italy, the Commune quickly dissolved into the usual "dictatorship of the proletariat" and instituted what can now in hindsight be recognised as the more usual trappings of Communist regimes: Among its rules was a "Decree on Hostages"—in terms of which any person could be arrested, imprisoned, and tried, becoming "hostages of the people of Paris.

In addition, the Commune created a "Committee of Public Safety," which was given extensive powers to hunt down and imprison its self-identified enemies. Freedom of the press was suppressed, and finally, as the Communists faced military defeat, they burned down many famous buildings in the city in revenge, including many priceless architectural gems.

It is estimated that up to 20, people died during the Commune. One of the first, or first modern, explorations of the Kahal, apparently the organisation exclusively for Jews and Jewish arrangements as against everyone else. Also called 'Kehilla' or 'Kehillah'. As applied in the USA, this site is one of a few describing what happened: Kehillah description by a Biblical site.

According to Hilaire Belloc: Probably this was part of the hidden Jewish anti-Christian movement, which included subverting the 'rationalist' movement, support for Islam, the omission of the more savage aspects of savages, and support for oddities—in the USA, the Scofield Bible and modern US Zionist televangelists illustrate the same point. A little-known secret movement was the Skeleton Army which Wikipedia says was started in in Whitechapel in East London, targeted for Jewish immigration from eastern Europe.

A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Who makes our money by f j irsigler pdf and Modern Science and Theology nominally by Helena Blavatsky of the 'Theosophical Society' seems to forex wizard margonem been a 19th century Jewish intrusion, aimed against 19th century Christianity, without acknowledging the likelihood that Jewish writings had been manufactured much earlier as essential to what became known as Christianity.

Assembled from writings of anthopologists, explorers, colonists who had recorded beliefs from around the world, with Jewish comments. Short comments from H. Wells' The World of William Clissold and Experiment in Autobiography describing the heading-off of discussions about currency as 'currency cranks'and heading-off of discussions about expropriation needing a 'competent receiver'and nationalisation, presumably by Jews in the pay of banks, in the days when the pound sterling was the principal world currency.

Students of Jews will simplify their task by ignoring the rhetoric, and looking at the apparently genetic tendency to deceive 'goyim'. Little-known event, apparently two days only. I'm even unsure if the title claimed it was the first congress. Monday and Tuesday; perhaps it was cut short. He launched the Tisza-Eszlar ritual murder prosecution.

Later, he joined with ADOLF STOCKER of Germany and his fellow Hungarian, VICTOR von ISTOCZY, to organize the first International Anti-Jewish Congress at Dresden in Von Onody was widely recognized as one of the great orators of his day. A Survey of Commentary On Organized Jewry by Leading Personalities Through the Ages compiled by William Grimstad.

Non-Jewish bank crash in France. I suspect perhaps someone might follow up this line of thought that the policy, and even the vocabulary omitting 'British'was part of the strategy to immigrate so-called Jews into Britain and give them the vote.

Those entitled to vote seem to have been covered by the ' householder and lodger franchise' perhaps planned to include future 'Jewish' immigration. One of a whole slew of 'revolutions', the phrase no doubt traces to the French Revolution and To this day the word 'revolution' suggests chaotic upheavals, excluding and hiding long-term planning and calculation.

Two of these were The American Jew and The Original Mr Jacobs. They seem to have been based on French sources: He was assassinated inprobably because he opposed the coming World War. The Panama Scandal and its Rothschild connection penetrated deeply into French consciousness because of the large number of impoverished investors.

It's hard to fix a date for the 'Panama Scandal' or Scandals, and hard to determine what happened, and what the Rothschild influence was. It's hard because the events are suppressed by Jewish media. These scandals were followed by the Dreyfus Affair, and publicised by Edouard Drumont.

Wilde's friend Lord Alfred Douglas edited Plain Englisha weekly review published by the North British Publishing Co. This however impossible while Charles living.

Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences. Dreyfus was a Jew, working in French officialdom.

For at least a century he was multiple indicator forex as a shameful example of the horror of White 'anti-Semitism': The moral viewpoint was that Dreyfus was part of the new world of accuracy and morals, like the suffragettes.

However, Dreyfus may have been just another Jewish fraud, perhaps designed to promote war with Germany, or to split Europe. An anonymous article Dreyfus gives some background, though I should caution that parts of this story may have been fed by 'intelligence' types to the public. But 'Josh G' also says 'Jews' willingly sacrifice their sons and daughters in countless wars and conflicts. Josh G summarises his view of the Dreyfus Affair: And it was a major distraction.

But 'revanchism' - something like 'revengeism against Germany' - was not Trump's message. Among other things, including manipulating Japan into war against Russia, and planning US war against Japan later. Jacob Schiff's vast influence on the USA is a detailed piece from the tomatobubble website. Henry Hamilton Beamish who fought in the Boer War was profoundly influenced by that war and spent the rest of his life opposing Jews, for example in the 'Britons Publishing Society'.

Young's booklet can be downloaded as a PDF from e. These books tend to be over-religious, too Britain-centred, and, apart from banking, not informed on Jewish frauds, as the title of Young's book suggests. The 'Left Book Club' founded may have been a Jewish response. Hobson on Imperialismand Belloc on Jewswere two others influenced by the Boer War.

Note that the word 'boer' is best buy kindle in stockton ca to the German word 'bauer', a farmer.

Gold from South Africa was more important than other goldrushes, in California and Australia. It was underplayed and the Klondike goldrush may have been a diversionary fake. As would be expected, there is a Freemasonry link with Afrikaners and the Broederbond vs Boers. In FebruaryBurns spoke about the 2nd Boer War: The trail of the financial serpent is over this war from beginning to end.

Much of the east end of London was populated by 'Cockneys'; the East End was subsequently targeted by Jews, in the same way that Germany and Sweden became targets. Opinions differ as to when the Jewish white genocide plans were established. I'd guess that common Jews from the east met a strange world: Their first thoughts were presumably "look what they've got, and we haven't" and it's hard to believe they thought in terms of bringing millions of Africans in and displacing whites.

BUT the entrenched wealthy parasitic Jews may have had a different outlook, as Israel Cohen's book suggests. The First World War British dating slaughtered enough Britons to make s and s housing cheaper, and may well have been behind the feeling that war is good for Jews. Some were innocent; others were government employees at some level. Not only did the Duma or parliament think this was acceptable, they both praised it and protested against any attempt to punish these terrorists.

All told, some 10, Russians were killed by revolutionary violence throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries Rather than being victims of pogroms, Russia's Jews were some of the best armed human beings on the planet. They demanded total freedom from all taxation and military service and, in exchange, would not only finance the Red revolt domestically, but act as its primary infantry in the cities of western Russia such as Kiev, Mogilev seasonal commodity futures trading strategy grid Odessa The Myth of the Pogroms: How the Press Covered Up the Massacre of Christians Matthew R.

I'd guess Sorel was a Jew, in view of his support for Dreyfus, and interest in Marx, who seems graphique forex live have dominated Sorel's mind despite his considerable range of interests, including technical matters.

Sorel put emphasis on 'the class war' singular. Sorel [says] the really essential thing in Marx's teaching is the class war. Whoever keeps this alive is keeping alive the spirit of Socialism much more truly than those who adhere to the letter of Social-Democratic orthodoxy. Marx, like the orthodox economists, imagined that men's opinions are guided by a more or less enlightened view of economic self-interest, or rather of economic class interest.

A long experience of the workings of political democracy has shown that in this respect Disraeli and Bismarck were shrewder judges of human nature than either Liberals or Socialists Some readers liked Sorel, interpreting him simply as a proponent of war, just in time for The translator into English was keen on war, and was killed I think in But the whole presentation of Sorel is Jew-naive, or of course Jew-censoring, as his material on the 'French Revolution', colonies, money and so on prove.

I'm inserting this section because Kai Murrosa Finn, seems to have revived Sorel. A Youtube online shows him praising Oxford University remember Professor Evans? All these authors failed to identify the risks from a ruthless anti-white secret elite, spread as an intersecting set across financial centres, committed to destruction of civilisation: Imperialism prompted by the Boer War looks at empires, and has figures, but assumes imperial powers act as nations.

He ignores the divisions within nations, which allow the costs of gaining assets to be offloaded onto ordinary people. Ralph Norman Angell Lane. Norman Angell maintained wars are loss-making.

He seems to have understated the cruelties of war so populations may be pauperisedand also the possibility of profiteering from wars. Very many people were trained to think they had a duty to lose by war, and assumed this duty would obtain even with arms manufacturers.

Baroness Bertha von Suttner. Cast Down Your Arms Or 'Lay Down Your Arms'. Explosions in Britain attributed to suffragettes; targets included churches, libraries, and public glasshouses.

I'd ask serious historians to consider the hypothesis that these explosions were carried out secretly by Jews, leaving behind false flag tokens—books, letters, 'clues'. War of Steel and Gold: A Study of the Armed Peace. This book pre-dated the start of the Great War. Interesting observations, with shareholders in weapons company making money.

But it falls short of a full evaluation. As far as I know, Jews and their hosts are always spoken of, in the Jewish media and Jew-fearing academics, as though they make one unified object. One of the tasks of revisionism is to separate the two. In general, Jews support anything which profits them, irrespective of the effects on the hosts and any rivals the hosts believe in.

For example, British India was faced with the question: A few decades later, many people still talk about "the U. And how much did Americans lose? In fact the ship was the Olympic which had been substituted.

The Olympic was known by insiders to be unsafe. The newly-invented radio was to be used in the rescue and a rescue ship was in wait; but, possibly intentionally, the survivors after the iceberg impact—or other accident, such as boiler room explosion—were left to die. This may or may not have been important: Morgan's White Star Line would have had to file for bankruptcy.

What chance would there have been for The Federal Reserve Act Morgan, a Rothschild Agent? G K Chesterton thought this share-dealing event marked the distinctive change in Britain.

Accompanied with assurances on stability, sound currency, and so on, as the name was intended to suggest—about as honestly as future assurances of War to End War, and by Hart-Cellar and supporters of stable population structure of the USA. The 'Fed' institutionalised the dollar as a legally-backed, secretively and unaccountably profit-making device, with no audit, based on virtually worthless paper. This introduces the possibility of whole new sets of vested interests.

If the Fed had been under American control, maybe outcomes would have been different. But profits could now be made by Jewish bankers, who had no loyalty to any country.

Profits could be made by: The arguments in favour of convenient money, and against small-scale barter, are convincing, except in self-contained small communities.

But in large-scale trade there is often no reason to use money. So anyone benefitting from the use of money can be expected to rage against barter. For more on the implications of control of supply of money, see 'Understanding Jews' at the end of this piece.

In the 16th Amendment gave Congress the authority to enact an income tax. This had been ruled unconstitutional in ; in sufficient States' votes permitted a new Amendment. The IRS may well have been formed with paper money in mind.

In October the 'Anti-Defamation League' was formed as a spin-off, or part of, 'B'nai B'rith': He was convicted and sentenced to death; and ultimately lynched. Perhaps this organisation, still in existence, was linked to the formation of the 'Federal Reserve', since some mechanism for opposing criticism of Jews was obviously, to them, needed. Gruber, International Communism in the Era of Lenin quoted by 'Belgian' Jew Ralph Miliband in Marxism and Politics Oxford University Press, Typical example of attribution of Jewish policies to Marx.

Bear in mind that, in Germany, Marx could be passed as non-Jewish. Jews and law, Jews and towns, Jews and business ownership, Jews and education, Medicine and Jews, Jews and crime, the nuclear industries and Jews, War crimes and Jews, Jews in Palestine, Information on Jewish publications, and so on.

Secretly-formed and based on newspaper distribution. It pre-dated both radio and television, which of course introduced new aspects and angles. Propagandist writers were salaried, and given functions vaguely similar to those of earlier Church of England vicars, and later BBC broadcasters.

The Bryce Report was the first hugely influential collection of atrocity stories. The whole anonymous hack writing propaganda industry was invented. This was not exactly 'state propaganda' but rather propaganda for intersecting sets of interest groups, including arms manufacturers, Jews, foreign allies and temporary allies, tame union leaders etc. And ends the concept of 'Christendom'. And ends the Ottoman Empire.

Supporting testimony from e. NB blackmailing of Woodrow Wilson is not mentioned. Note that Arthur Balfour was from Scotland; and Scotland was one of the few countries to have never expelled Jews. Balfour inherited a large sum at 21; I haven't checked in detail, but I'd guess he approved of Jews because of the Rothschild connection.

Was the agreement with Jews in America able to invent money though the Federal Reserve since NOT to give Palestine, but Russia, as a 'homeland' where 'Jews' lived for generations? Maybe the Balfour Declaration was fraud or a distraction, while Jews in the know were given Russia? Russia handed over to be invaded, ruined and bled, used as cheap labour, its assets, for example goldfields, used by Jewish capitalists?

While the 'west' stood by and did little? Americanised Jews using false Russian names and American paper money were the principal drivers. It is still falsely claimed to be 'the Russian Revolution', based on the pretence in e.

Marx that secretly-funded violent groups are 'revolutionary workers'. A good example of a deceptive Jewish fake label. Another deceptive label is 'socialist' for this system of Jewish-run slave labour and genocide. Incidentally, many nations and groups were moved, diluted, enslaved and so on in the USSR: Clearly trying to claim some sort of fellow-feeling with Jews.

This must have been part of the 'controlled opposition' aspect of the co-called 'Labour' Party. The Liberal Party plummeted as 'Labour' rose; this is usually attributed to Liberal dislike of unions, but is probably a result of Jewish paper money funding for 'Labour'. The Armistice [Waffenstillstand means something like 'arms stand still'] was an agreement to put the war on "hold". No foreign troops set foot in Germany prior to November 11, It was the bankers at Versailles that defeated Germany.

The annihilation actually started in The allies illegally blockaded Germany until This created food shortages, and estimates were that million starved to death. Published by HMSO His Majesty's Stationery Office. An official set of reports costing ninepencesome more than six months old, mostly sent by telegraphy, and mostly to Balfour.

Balfour of 'the Agreement' was no doubt persuaded by Jews to remove some material. It's entirely possible the horror was underestimated, as the Bryce Report, by an Oxbridge Professor, was a compendium of far worse fabricated lies and atrocity stories against Germany. Even though written by a presumably Jewish sympathiser, the inhumanity and dishonesty shine through unmistakably.

This led to Hungary's uprising and the political party Jobbik. A little-noticed effect was also the emigration of Jews from Hungary to the USA, where they formed part of the Jewish 'nuclear' frauds.

He was at the Versailles Conference, but completely missed the Jewish aspects. His later books included A Treatise on Moneyhis General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Moneyand How to Pay for [what became] the [Second World] War All these books continued to omit the Jewish aspect, and therefore were more or less worthless.

It is possible Keynes awoke; his death was sudden, and coincided with the 'World Bank', 'International Monetary Fund, 'United Nations', NATO, Jewish-controlled Russia and satellites allowed to mass murder Germans, 'Cold War', and Jewish-controlled fake nuclear schemes. It's a verbal equivalent of scientific papers using doubtful maths and doubtful or vague concepts: Ford was falsely claimed to have withdrawn his books and his views.

Pitt-Rivers was Jew-aware, but seems not to have understood the fraudulent Jewish money illustrated e. His book is emphatic, but lacks this essential jigsaw puzzle piece. The Federal Government 'waged war' against Communism, Anarchism, subversives, and religious freethought.

All of these movements included Jewish aims in one form or another. Nothing, of course, about war, finance, raw materials, history, foreigners and their beliefs. Very brief look at P. I owe it to a remark by 'Karl Radl' British academic, in the USA; the name is a pseudonym that the N. She had spent three years researching archives in France of the French Revolution, which was then fewer than years in the past. In that respect she somewhat resembled David Irving. However, her notes are not detailed, perhaps because typesetting at that time needed skilled labour, so the production costs of books would be raised by such extra detail.

Anyone interested inthe unification of Germany, the 'Paris Commune' ofMarx as a plagiarist might do well to read this book. She wrote many others; and was ignored and censored. She disliked H G Wells, and the feeling was mutual.

Her books are 'continuistic'—she assumes anyone with some idea must have been influenced by someone earlier, who had a similar idea.

She was very Christian. She does not tease out separate strands of Jews, masons, illuminati, and the rest. It is still unique in trying to describe and face the issues.

Belloc was prompted by Jewish raw materials controls, and 'scandalous' profiteering, during the 'Great War' the then-used name for what's now called the First World War. His Roman Catholicism interposes some filters; for example Belloc never seems to have doubted that modern Jews were the same race as Biblical Jews. This book is now almost a century old. Belloc had some predecessors, for example Walter Scott and 19th century newspaper writers, but no genre or school was allowed to form in the English-speaking world.

Belloc's book may be taken as marking the start of public criticism of Jews in the United Kingdom. The 'Irish Free State' Eire had just been formed. See for Belloc's novel Belinda.

He must have been sounded out for his view on 'Jews', probably discreetly. My link is to a long file of reviews, including reviews of five typical 'serious' BBC books. It's difficult to imagine how radio would have developed if Britain hadn't declared war on Germany inexpanding the First World War; it may not have been a state monopoly, for example.

The BBC takes the Jewish view, always; sometimes the Director-General has been a Jew, for example General Jacob during the time of mass killings of Germans and the rigged-up Nuremberg 'trials'. At the time of writing late a Jew has been appointed, as Jews increasingly notice that truths are coming out.

In the s, it permitted no debate on whether WW1 was a mistake - there were no inquiries; in the s it had nothing on Stalin or on Jews or for that matter the Royals; the Spanish Civil War was not reported honestly; in the s it was pure Churchilliana with unsparing anti-German propaganda; in the s it never deviated from pro-American views on Korea, supposed nuclear weapons; the Nuremberg Trials were never queried.

In the s there was no honest comment on the Vietnam War. I could go on, including science frauds too. But the simple point is: No doubt the 'School of Social Research' was established for this purpose. The 'Frankfurt School' provides academics with valuable and more-or-less explicit written evidence of their aims as a 'hostile elite'. Not easy to interpret; probably marked 1 the end of the 'Great War' considered as an event of its own; 2 Ottoman Empire's fall, or reshaping, or modernisation; 3 emergence of Turkey; 4 one of a series of ethnic changes of the 20th century, separating Greeks from Turks; 5 underlying influence of Jewish layers enhanced, since Jews in the US had consolidated moneys from the First World War.

I've tried to summarise this semi-aristocratic half-breed, who has in recent years become notorious as predicting or suggesting Europe will become 'eurasisch-negroide' 'Eurasian-Negroid'. His pinpointing Europe not other countries suggests he anticipated, or followed, the Jewish anti-white race policy of the 20th century and up to now. My best guess is he is mutedly promoted by the EU in the way Pulitzer Prizes are awarded—i.

Part of the eugenics movement, which came under attack after by Jewish front organisations. Both volumes in English were only published in a full translation in There was a abridged version, translated by a relative of Balfour of the 'Balfour Declaration'. Detailed review of both volumes. Possibly this was a demonstration of Jewish power in Britain; a large-scale demonstration by Jews that they could incite massive action, in the way familiar from fake demonstrations and behind-the-scenes force.

I don't think I've seen a revisionist re-examination of this event. And there will still be need to produce submissiveness in the lower caste, lest it should rebel against the rich. This will involve a low level of culture, and will perhaps lead the rich to encourage breeding among black rather than white or yellow proletarians.

The white race may thus gradually become a numerically small aristocracy, and be finally exterminated by a negro insurrection. Different version in was entitled Ten Days That Shook the World. This is a huge field for propagandist researchers, helping to show up parallel activities in other countries, notably the USA. There appear to be close similarities: Eisenstein didn't really fit the mould of mass output of propagandist junk, and its printed equivalent; and 'socialist realism' as far as I know was more usually applied to paintings and 'fine art'.

I've never seen a website on this topic, though perhaps revisionist-minded patient Russians with access to old films and newsreels might produce something deep. One topic is whether any of it was worthwhile: Surely some of it must have merit? First edition of Lt-Col Arthur Henry Lane's book The Alien Menace: A Statement of the Case Boswell Publishing.

I'm not sure I've ever seen this book mentioned before, though it's in The Occidental Observer 25 March How they Get Here', Unemployment, Public Health, Morals, Cost, Films, BBC, Revolution, Politics, Ireland, Industry, Education, Palestine, War Debts, and What Should Be Done. Has press cuttings and facsimile letters and information on the so-called "Labour Party" and the so-called "Russian" Revolution. Many of the features of post Britain are here, for example the failure by officials to act against Jew illegals, and the financial penalties of aliens as against Britons, and crime, and control of the BBC—which at the time was young, itself relying on the fairly recent invention of radio; and shipping lines dumping Jews, with Ellis Island contrasted with e.

His lack of information on Germany must be related to Jewish 'News Agencies' such as Reuters. Confusions of this sort are typical, perhaps inevitable, results of Jewish multiple actions. But as with most ideals—democracy, freedom, equality, education, eugenics, human rights—much of the message was deliberated deformed. Maria Edgeworth's The Absentee and Trollope's mention of Jews in his novels are some of the few 19th century novels looking at the issue.

There may also be US novels of the time, though I'm not aware of any. Stamp who knew and worked with Keynes was one of the few public figures to draw attention to paper money's immense fraudulent possibilities. There's an obvious connection between worthless paper money and uncertainty and wars: Chandor Jews and the British Empire Probably the subject was too vast to be encompassed satisfactorily.

Movement of power to the USA happened almost unnoticed, as is the way with legal manipulation and secret hierarchies. The only well-known event as far as I know is the Washington Naval Conference. It's worth noting the general suppression of information on money and empires, just as on money and wars. And not just in Britain: As was the US post empire and the Jewish connection.

A whole system of deception was built up, based on two Talmudic points: Why should other countries remain indebted, after the sacrifices they'd made? Propaganda in particular was and is essential to Jews: Jews are expert in casting blame onto others: It's perfectly correct as far as it goes, to say 'The USA is a two-faced, treacherous entity, never to be trusted' or to talk of 'perfidious Albion'. BUT this does not take Jewish actions into account.

After the establishment of Israel in Palestine, some of these patterns are becoming clearer. McFadden is the best-known and best-informed critic of the Federal Reserve system. Here's one online source of McFadden, from the Congressional Record, Junepp The powerful section entitled International Swindlers is McFadden's overview.

It's not known to me how, or if, McFadden perceived Jews. These currency manipulations set the stage for Jewish actions and the Second World War, as the First World War was enabled by the Federal reserve Act. It's possible Hitler obtained covert support from Jews because he was the most moderate leader, not, as Jewish propaganda asserted later, extremist and fanatical.

Newsreels of the time, where available, show Hitler being greeted in a very friendly manner by other nations' leaders. All this may explain the apparent paradox of Jewish support for Hitler, who, when his work in assisting Jews was done, could be eliminated along with German power, and then be demonised. Typical of censorship of documents under the control of crypto-Jews and supposedly devoted to serious causes.

I emailed several groups for information, but received nothing. Probably the tone was optimistic: Hitler was certainly, in some part, Jew-funded, and was more moderate than many Germans, after such experiences as attempted 'communist revolutions' in Germany and Hungary. The magazine was later renamed The Ethical Record. International Jewry's "frenzy" over Germany's Judenpolitik began [by] demonizing the National Socialists [via] seasoned professionals in the Anglo-American intelligence services and the leadership and lobbyists from a panopoly of Jewish Influential Jews in the U.

After helping launch the Nazi gassing meme at Nuremburg using creative Hollywood film editing, U. SHAEF Bragidier General C.

The only extant biography of Jackson in print is a thin 92 page masters thesis that entirely ignores the clandestine operations he headed in WWII. With the 'Grand Temple seating 1,21 Lodge Rooms, Board and Committee Rooms'.

Later, inWeizmann's letter in the Times confirmed that the 'Jews of Great Britain' will fight 'on the side of the democracies'. He didn't mention the undemocracy of the Jewish-run USSR.

There is a newspaper trail of all this material, which of course has been suppressed by Jewish media-owners. Note that the Jewish pornographer now owning the Daily Express in Britain allegedly deleted a front-page photo of British soldiers hanged in Israel inthough I haven't been able to find a facsimile of that edition.

Jewish Teachers were bought to Germany from Palestine and everything was paid for by the Nazis. Not only were these Schools and teachers paid for by the Nazis but there was absolutely no interference from the Nazis as to the teaching curriculum. This extract is from the unsourced article Pact Between Hitler and the Zionists which includes opposition by established rich Jews to Zionism, and effects of war against Germany.

His collection largely microfiches is partly in Russell Square, London. It is now called 'The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide' though its name has varied. It is registered as a charity He collected books, photographs, letters, magazines and other materials, including school primers and children's games, recording the spread of Nazi propaganda and its racist doctrines.

InWiener fled Germany for Amsterdam and then settled in Britain. The collection opened in London on 1 Septemberthe day of the Nazi invasion of Poland. It was known as the Jewish Central Information Office and functioned as a private intelligence service. Wiener was paid by the British government to keep Britain informed of developments in Germany.

Another suggested area was Madagascar. It had lukewarm support; and there are claims Jews were forcibly prevented by other Jews from going there.

There was a 'big stream' of Jewish settlers from ; or, this was a claim made, perhaps as encouragement. It 'increased the local Jewish population That, at least, is the usual formulation. In view of Jewish money, a Rothschild in Italy, comparative Italian unawareness of the Jewish problem, and Jewish interests in raw materials and invasions and death, it may well be that Jews were the moving force.

The personification of Italy, France, Britain, the USA, Germany, and even 'Russia', disguises the possibility. It's worth noting that the Church of England made no noticeable comment, then or since, despite supposedly having some expertise. Probably the decline of this church dates from —no useful commentary on the First World War was ever made, despite the obvious need and relevance.

And perhaps the 'Zohar'. Michael Hoffman's Judaism's Strange Gods first published is another stage in this process, including the 'Mishnah'. It is possible that rationalist criticism of 'Jewish' books will grow, though if criticism of Christianity in any guide, it may be a slow process: The King James Bible published to the German 'higher criticism' school started ish was only a beginning of rationalism.

Just as many people believed, or said they believed, the Bible was written or inspired by God and Jesus once existed, many Jews believe, or say they believe, they are 'chosen people' and Moses once existed. So perhaps will be the start of official studies of analysis of 'Jews'. Per contra irrationalism may spread, just as the Talmud etc seem to have been transplanted to Khazaria, these things in translation will move to China or Japan.

A multi-polar Judaism might develop, with several racially and geographically fanatical groups. Smith's Oxford Historyincluding an ancient Moslem chronicle, Tabakat-i-Nasiriand Ibn Batuta. And Havell, Historyand Mountstuart Elphinstone's History of India. Islam has been propagandised both for and against, and it seems all but certain that Jewish interests have been behind this. Certainly around A. Jews have promoted invasion into white countries by Moslems; and Jew-controlled information such as Wikipaedia barely mention Islam in India.

Fair enough—but he never criticised Jews or Muslims and was in fact published and promoted by Jews. McCabe popularised the idea that Spain had had an impressive civilisation when Moorish and Jewish.

This book looks like a deliberate propaganda fraud, related to Jewish aims to control Spain Arnold Leese ; there was an article on Leese in Metapedia with material on Jewish Ritual Murder followed by his book Jewish Ritual Murder ; mostly English events, but similar information exists about other parts of the world and in other languages.

Metapedia has been taken over, and now only shows the cover design! This, on Jewish instigation, led to a legal case, resulting in imprisonment for Leese. It seems to be assumed, in for example Canada fairly recently, that truth is always a defence against libel.

I came to Court very fully prepared But I was forbidden by the Judge to use this line of defence; it did not matter who else had charged the Jews with ritual murder, or how often, or what historic facts proved it, or how many convictions there had been under proper juridical authority; Judge intervened with the remark "The truth of a libel is no defense, I must point out again.

Such may be the law, but it is not justice! So why was it prosecuted as libel? Why did Jews invent the phrase 'blood libel'? Why aren't such prosecutions under the heading sedition—as of course obtained in the USSR, where non-Jews were murdered in huge numbers?

Note that the reason given for the final expulsions of Jews from most European countries by serious non-Jewish commentators was the discovery of some murderous atrocity, not legal or financial matters.

She was anti-'Communist', having visited the USSR. But at that time the Talmud had not been translated, so she was not, at that time, clearly aware of the link with Jews. This confusion of course persists to the present day. I would guess this must certainly have been funded by Jews until its usefulness ran out. Here's more on Victor Gollancz and on other Jewish propaganda designed to support war for Jewish interests.

A short book, with information based on early 20th century archaeological and ancient language research in the middle east. Probably by a British writer; possibly someone taking information from the British Museum on regions such as Babylon and Assyria. A lot on early etymology, but all as far as I know unsourced. The thesis is 'Jews' were uncreative, and plagiarists from other societies, in language for example place names, calendar names and copied celebrations such as 'Purim'habits, and religious beliefs.

In latePenguin Specials paperbacks with red colouring on their covers were started. S1 was Germany Puts the Clock Back by Edgar Ansel Mowrer. This book had been published in the USA in ; I haven't attempted to check whether the British edition was different. Mowrer seems to have been just another frivolous rentahack incompetent; maybe Jewish, maybe not. Later, Penguin Specials were sharply focussed on Jewish propaganda, not by journalists so much as full-time 'research' liars.

This belief is more natural to European continental historians than to Britons: I don't vouch for the book's date, or language of publication, or title! The Jewish Khazar Empire was formed by conversion at about the same time, postdating the invention of Islam. I'd suggest that the availability of relics of a huge empire encouraged the idea of what is now called 'parasitism'.

The 'sacred' books encoded and crystallised parasitism, and inbreeding made it, over the centuries, a genetic part of these book-based cults. Few people in were aware of both hypotheses. Long book by a Jew who seems to have been Russian-speaking brought up in Lower East Side New York.

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He was of course a friend of the Soviet Union and the rest of it; and spent about six years in the USSR. He changed tack and became anti-USSR; or perhaps anti-Stalin and pro-Jew; who knows. Absolutism at the top implies hundreds of thousands, even millions.

Unless there are brakes of genuinely democratic control and the corrective of a hard-and-fast legality to which everyone, even the anointed of the Lord, is subjected, the machine of power becomes an engine of oppression. Where there is only one employer, namely, the State, meekness is the first law of economic survival. Where the same group of officials wields the terrible power of secret arrests and punishments, disfranchisement, hiring and firing, assignment of ration categories and living space—only an imbecile or some one with a perverted taste for martyrdom will fail to kow-tow to them.

Elsewhere Lyons adds a footnote giving only a small percent of the bureaucracy as Jews. He comments on the Ukraine famine and Walter Duranty.

As Adam Smith arguably founded economics. Russell was absurdly naive about Jews see Russell as dupe of Jews. However, an important fact worth noting here is that he put military power as primary. He does notice that coal in British ships, Rumanian oil and Germany, control of food-growing areas etc are important. But the tendency of his book is to minimise analysis of armies and navies—part of the gung-ho psychology of the Second World War, at the end of which many people awoke slowly to the unpleasant facts of impoverishment.

I'd suggest this was part of Churchill's psychology: George Orwell as useful idiot Account of Orwell's life from a Jewish angle—all his publishers were Jews, his comments on Jews were of no value. Miles Mathis drew attention to Blair's family's financial interest in timber in Burma. One claim of Levy's is that the Germans took their race ideas from Jews—and look what suffering they've been through! There was long-term hatred of Poles against ethnic Germans in Poland; and in particular border crossings and atrocities, usually attributed to Poles, but of course likely to have been Jews behaving as they did in the USSR.

Computer searching for 'Polish atrocities ' finds many examples. Naturally the incidents starting a war are even more likely to be propagandised than those during a war. German diplomats spent months trying to negotiate peace. Hewlett Johnson, the 'red Dean' of Canterbury, was a 'useful idiot' of the type useful for Jewish propagandists such as Gollancz. Johnson had a wealthy family background, in factories, science, and engineering, and assembled USSR material in convincing-sounding but uncheckable format.

Wells honestly faces the problem of Jewish selfishness vs. Note the suggestions he disputes by other authors writing at that time, e.

Thorkelson inserted into the Congressional Record nine articles, under the overall title Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife. His intention was to prove that a weakened Britain, and influential Jews in Britain, wanted to use the military strength of the United States to start the Second World War as opposed to the European War to assist them in putting together a World State.

Most of the articles deal with the British Empire and its 'Dominions' and 'Commonwealth of Nations', and with well-funded pressure and quasi-religious groups—'The Pilgrims of the United States', 'The Anglo-Israel Society', 'British Israel World Federation'. One of the nine articles looked at crypto-Jews in Britain's aristocracy. It's possible this article influenced, or was taken from, the German author Friedrich Wilhelm Euler, who published similar, but longer, material in The untitled article, without comment by Thorkelson, was by the Imperial Fascist Union of London, England; author s not stated.

The theme is Jews in the aristocracy and powerful positions in Britain.

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There are cut-down versions online; as far as I know, this is the only full version. This was the time of the 'Phoney War'. It was only a small part of the Jewish effort to provoke war against Germany. It is essential to differentiate Jewish interests from white British: Hitler wanted the British Empire to be left alone; Roosevelt's Jews wanted it for themselves rather than 'British' Jews. To this day there's little discussion of profits made by Jews from the Second World War, and the costs imposed in the long term against all European countries.

And summons Lord Portal, aiming to provoke Hitler to bomb British towns. Churchill gets his chance when east London is bombed accidentally; next day Aug 25 orders bombers to bomb Berlin, bypassing Parliament. Among other warmongering things.

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