Sinopec daylight executive faces insider-trading charges

Anthony Lambert, president and CEO of Sinopec Daylight Energy, has been accused of illegal insider trading. In an e-mail statement, Lambert said he disagrees with the allegations and intends to contest them.

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ASC staff allege that in August and SeptemberLambert bought shares of Daylight while aware of undisclosed information regarding the potential takeover. It claims he bought 1, more shares on Aug. ASC staff also allege that Lambert told Pierce about the proposed Daylight takeover in September and she told Turner.

Both also purchased Daylight shares, staff claim.

sinopec daylight executive faces insider-trading charges

An appearance to set a date for a hearing is to be held on May 6. Two weeks ago, an ASC panel concluded that former president and CEO of Grande Cache Coal Corp.

Bob Stan and five others were not guilty of insider trading. The ASC says it launched two insider trading cases in against six people and concluded five cases against 11 people. Nationally, there were four cases launched versus 19 people and eight cases concluded with 16 respondents.

More sophisticated tracking technology, however, has made it easier to detect trading patterns and zero in on suspicious activity, he said.

Still, deciding to pursue a charge comes down to a judgment call by commission staff. The profile of the people involved is a consideration, Rice said. Your account has been reactivated. You must verify your email address before signing in. Check your email for your verification email, or enter your email address in the form below to resend the email.

China Petroleum & Chemical Corp : Sinopec Daylight Executive Faces Charges | 4-Traders

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Anthony Lambert, ex-Daylight Energy CEO, faces insider trading charges | Financial Post

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