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Posted: Ainur Date: 12.07.2017

This TiddlyWiki contains the following tiddlers:. Thesis PhD Students Publications Recommended M. This TiddlyWiki contains the following tiddlers: Remember to add a descriptive title in the caption field.

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These can be modified by the upgraders. An entry with no fields indicates a tiddler that was pending import has been suppressed. The URI can be relative or absolute. The following tiddlers were imported: Set default font family to sans-serif.

Correct color not being inherited. Correct font properties not being inherited. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. How much sooner would eka-aluminum and other new elements have been isolated had Mendeleev had such tools at his fingertips?

Pop is an excellent teacher because of his organization and he really makes an attempt to ensure that the students learn. I would like to mention that my undergraduate professor for Algorithms was Dr. Andonie who also was an excellent instructor. I think that going forward the school should first consider Roumanian instructors for the algorithms course. I think the Roumanians were some of the best instructors I encountered in Computer Science. His suggestions were a source of inspiration for me and my study.

A series of discussions between my advisor, Dr. Bill William Grosky, Dr. Pop, and myself helped me prepare for and complete the research detailed in this dissertation. I would like to thank all my professors at UBB and especially Prof.

Lehel Csato my supervisor and Prof. In the end I can say that studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics was academically a very enriching experience. Details About the Thesis Usually, we understand the classification as a partitioning of some collection of objects in disjoint subsets or classes, the objects from a class having common proprieties that make them different from the members of other classes.

A fuzzy clustering is a generalization of this by the fact that the classes are not subsets of the collection, but fuzzy subsets similar with those defined by L. In other words, the classes are mappings that gives each object a number between 0 and 1, named membership of the object to that class.

Similar objects are identified by the fact that they have high memberships to the same class. We suppose that the memberships are chosen so that the sum of these for each point should be 1. In this sense, the fuzzy clustering is, also, a partitioning of a set of objects. A fuzzy clustering algorithm is a "recipe" to produce a fuzzy clustering.

The basis for building these algorithms are a quantitative measure of the similarity between objects and the criteria to relate the similarity with the membership degree. The criteria are often specified as functions of membership degrees, whose minimum or maximum define "good" classification. The algorithm becomes a numerical procedure for finding those membership degrees that optimizes the objective function. The present work aims to approach the problem of the prototypes in fuzzy clustering.

The first chapter presents fundamental theoretical notions from the theory of fuzzy sets, notions absolutely necessary to be able to read the paper in good conditions. The second chapter presents the problem of the hierarchical fuzzy clustering algorithms, with the particularities related to the use of different types of prototypes.

Here are presented the fuzzy hierarchical clustering with spherical and linear prototypes, and then some generalizations, namely clustering using ellipsoidal prototypes, adaptive prototypes and a non-metric clustering method using classical sets prototypes. The third chapter presents the computer programs that implement the presented algorithms, details that are necessary in order to understand how these programs work.

The programs presented here perform the following tasks: The fourth chapter presents a series of conclusions related to the use of the presented prototypes.

The paper contains two appendices, one with the sources of the programs and the other with the most interesting results obtained by me at the clustering of different sets of points chosen didactically. Selected References James C. Watson, Detection and characterization of cluster substructure, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 40, 2D. Dumitrescu, Hierarchical pattern classification, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 28D.

Dumitrescu, Classification Theory RomanianBabes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, D. Pop, A bibliography for fuzzy clustering and related fields, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Math.

Pop, Hierarchical fuzzy clustering with adaptive prototypes, National Students Conference on Computer Science, Iasi, April Michael P. Windham, Geometrical Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms, Preprint, Utah State University, Lotfi A.

Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control, 8W. A Unified Approach, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, Probleme propuse Pascal Programming. Editura Promedia Plus, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Albastra, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, Chapter 11, Internet si accesul la informatie Internet and the access to informationpp. Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, Abordari Bazate pe Agenti Inteligenti Artificial Intelligence Techniques.

Fuzzy soft-computing methods and their applications in chemistry. VCH Publishers, New York,pp. Cluj University Press, A fuzzy divisive hierarchical-clustering algorithm for the optimal choice of sets of solvent systems. Importance-Performance Analysis by Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm. ISI Web of Knowledge. The Unix environment at the Babes-Bolyai University. A study of roman pottery terra sigillata using hierarchical fuzzy clustering.

A new chemical clustering analysis method based on genetic evolution algorithm. Classification of high-temperature superconducting YBCO thin films by fuzzy clustering. Degenerate and nondegenerate convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions. Methodology, systems, applications am ramsay ed. Divergence measures and aggregation operations. Linear intensification of probabilistic fuzzy partitions. Inverse regression methods based on fuzzy partitions. I-fuzzy equivalence relations and i-fuzzy partitions.

A fuzzy cross-classification of the chemical elements, based on their physical, chemical, and structural features. Clustering files of chemical structures using the fuzzy k-means clustering method.

A fuzzy classification of the chemical elements. Pattern recognition approaches in biomedical and clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Analysis of concomitant mechanisms in stroke pathogenesis usingfuzzy clustering techniques.

Study of stroke pathogenesis using possibility theory and hierarchical fuzzy clustering techniques. Analysis of stroke pathogenesis using hierarchical fuzzy clustering techniques. Chapter Fuzzy Logic Strategies for the Treatment of the Molecular Recognition Problem. World Scientific Pub Co Inc, Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Pharmacokinetics. An approach for interpreting thermogravimetric profiles using artificial intelligence.

Importance-performance Analysis by Fuzzy C-Means algorithm. A new fuzzy regression algorithm. Fuzzy regression in fisheries science: Some methods and applications. Calibration of chemical measurements. On quality of analytical information. PhD thesis, Faculty of Building Engineering, Techninal University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Robust regression techniques - A useful alternative for the detection of outlier data in chemical analysis.

Capability of detection and three-way data. Neural networks approach for determining total claim amounts in insurance. A robust moving average iterative weighting method to analyze the effect of outliers on the response surface design. Robust fuzzy regression analysis. Sediment Pollution Assessment by Chemometric Methods.

The Evaluation of the Lipophilic Properties of Some Thiazolyl-Oxadiazolines With Antiinflammatory Activity. Damage detection using robust fuzzy principal component analysis. Neural network based identification of meat spoilage using fourier-transform infrared spectra. Neural network based identification of meat spoilage using Fourier-transform infrared spectra. Parameter estimation by fuzzy adaptive networks and comparison with robust regression methods.

The fuzzy hierarchical cross-clustering algorithm. Improvements and comparative study. Development of compound clustering techniques using hybrid soft-computing algorithms. Fuzzy logic for chemoinformatics - a review.

Hesitant Fuzzy Sets Theory. Hierarchical hesitant fuzzy K-means clustering algorithm. Degenerate and non-degenerate convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions ii. On the solution of the fuzzy c-means model. Conference On Machine Learning Cybernetics, VolsProc. LATEX 2e, Technical Publishing Co. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Iasi, Romania, An experiment in incremental parsing using weighted constraints.

A Theoretical Basis of an Architecture of a Shell of a Reasonably Robust Syntactic Analyser. SuperARVs, Language Modeling, and Parsing. MIT Press, Cambridge, London,ch. Fuzzy clustering analysis of the first 10 MEIC chemicals. In Natural Computation, Pt 2, Proc. Assessment of Cs and Pu,Pu Distribution in Forest Soils of the Opole anomaly. Recognition of chemical compounds in contaminated water using time-dependent multiple dose cellular responses.

Algorithm of object identification in qualitative chemical analysis based on fuzzy similarity criteria. Structural analysis of transition metal beta-X substituent interactions. Toward the use of soft computing methods for catalyst modeling. Application of machine-learning methods to solid-state chemistry: Combinatorial Search for Low-Temperature Combustion Catalysts. Machine-learning models for combinatorial catalyst discovery. In silico design in homogeneous catalysis using descriptor modelling.

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During my activity at the Department of Computer Science of the Babes-Bolyai University I have taught the following subjects: During my activity at the Department of Computer Science of the Wayne State University I have taught the following subjects: Scopul ei este sa ofere cateva subiecte de gandire.

Constraints Satisfaction Programming Aspecte generale Metode de rezolvare Metode de asigurare a consistentei Probleme overconstrained; diferite abordari Metode de inspiratie din alte domenii: Exemplu, Sudoku Biblioteci care implementeaza CSP in diferite limbaje Generalizari ale CSP: International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques.

West, Introduction to Algorithms RomanianComputer Libris Agora Press, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,ISBNpages. Comission Internationale de l'Eclairage Seminar "Computer Programs for Light and Lighting" in Vienna, Austria. TR-HH - "Developing Software: Romanian Speaking, reading and writing fluently English Speaking, reading and writing fluently French Speaking, reading and writing fluently German Reading and speaking at satisfactory level Spanish Reading at satisfactory level.

Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria http: Resources, Technologies and Prospects", organised by The Romanian Academy, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi and Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca!

Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad MSIndia. Workshop to promote the interaction between the academic research in Computer Science and business environment, organized by Al.

Program de identificare a obiectelor pe baza unei multimi de atribute asociate program of objects identification based on the set of associated attributes.

Implementarea unor metode de clasificare ierarhica cu multimi nuantate implementation of some methods of hierarchical clustering with fuzzy sets.

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Fuzzy hierarchical clustering with adaptive prototypes. Classification procedure for selectivity control in acrylonitrile electroreduction. Mathematical methods for quality control in propionitrile electrosynthesis.

Algorithms for convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions. Program de calcul pentru stabilirea necesarului de caldura computer program for currency options risk reversal the necessary of heat.

Baze de learn forex fx pro pentru clasificarea si datarea inscriptiilor databases for clustering and dating of inscriptions. Problema validitatii claselor cluster validity problem. Reprezentarea computerizata a planurilor de instalatii electrice. Algoritmi de clasificare adaptiva adaptive clustering algorithms. O noua clasa de algoritmi de instruire folosind retele neuronale a new class of training algorithms using neural networks.

Algoritmi pentru descompunerea convexa a partitiilor nuantate finite algorithms for convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions. Clasificatori nuantati supervizati supervised fuzzy classifiers. Algoritmul de regresie nuantata the fuzzy regression algorithm. Institutul Politehnic, Cluj-Napoca, Chapter 15, Programe de calcul pentru instalatii electrice Software for Electrical Installations24 pages. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, June A short introduction to SunOS.

TR-HH, Natural Language Division, Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, June TR-HH, Natural Language Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, June Fuzzy Clustering - selected papers. A Soft-Computing approach to NLP.

Self-Organizing Map in text mining. A short introduction to MacOS. On the numerical modeling and simulation of the control system for a medium frequency static converter. Teaching parallel and distributed computing. Development of robust fuzzy regression techniques using a fuzzy clustering approach. Learning the constraints weights of a dependency grammar using genetic algorithms.

LQ - A toolkit for lighting quality evaluation. Chromaticity in architectural lighting - A luminous environment feature. Integration of the architectural lighting on the environment. A fuzzy clustering approach of optimal evaluation criteria for electric network distribution systems. Cooperative learning for distributed data mining. Cooperative model for web sites authoring. Education for engineering students: The case of logic.

Appraisal of indoor lighting systems quality. The component selection problem as a constraint optimization problem. Effort estimation by analogy using a fuzzy clustering approach. International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques KEPTJulyBabes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. An adaptive fuzzy agent clustering algorithm for search engines. An incremental asm-based fuzzy clustering algorithm.

A preliminary bibliography on fuzzy clustering and related fields. A study of the properties of the Fuzzy Relaxation Algorithm. Software for fuzzy clustering and related fields. Improvements of the fuzzy cross-clustering algorithm. A new regression technique based on fuzzy sets.

A study of dependence of software attributes using data analysis techniques. CIMNE Barcelona,pp. The first international conference on knowledge engineering principles and techniques KEPT.

Management of web pages using XML documents. International Conference Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques KEPTJuneBabes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. On software attributes relationship using a new fuzzy c-bipartitioning method. Component selection based on fuzzy clustering analysis. Residential energy efficient lighting. The 2nd International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPSNovember Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

ISSN Referativnyi Zhurnal, DOAJ. Software quality assessment using a fuzzy clustering approach. Fuzzy clustering in software engineering. Fuzzy data analysis for software metrics assessment of student projects. A Festschrift for Wolfgang W. Overview of fuzzy methods for effort estimation by analogy. Common mistakes in writing a scientific papers.

Processing ECG data using multivariate data analysis. Stereomatching using radiometric invariant measures. A context-aware asm-based clustering algorithm. A fuzzy incremental clustering approach to hybrid data discovery. Automatic criteria-based configuration for the component selection problem. An agent based approach for parallel constraint verification.

Medical procedure breaches detection using a fuzzy clustering approach. Discovering patterns in data using ordinal data analysis.

Preliminary measurements in identifying design flaws. Optimum selection and combination of solvent systems in thin layer cromatography using the fuzzy sets theory. A fuzzy divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm for the optimal choice of set of solvent systems. Fuzzy hierarchical cross-classification of Greek muds. A study of Roman pottery terra sigillata using hierarchical fuzzy clustering.

Convex decomposition of fuzzy partitions, I. Fuzzy cross-classification of the chemical elements, based both on their physical, chemical and structural features.

Improvements and Comparative study. Convex decomposition of fuzzy partitions, II. Recognition of the forms applied to chemical elements. Structural analysis of transition metal Beta-X substituent interactions. Towards the use of soft computing methods for catalyst modeling. Fuzzy classification and comparison of some Romanian and American coals. Robust Fuzzy Principal Component Analysis FPCA.

Principal Component Analysis versus Fuzzy Principal Component Analysis. The quality of Danube water Intelligent disease identification based on discriminant analysis. Prognostic factors in liver failure in children by discriminant analysis of clinical data. Tracking mistakes in software measurement using fuzzy data analysis. A genetic fuzzy biclustering algorithm for discovering value-coherent biclusters. A tutorial on object-orientedness in functional programming.

Applications of Principal Components Methods. International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Complex Systems Biomedical Computing. Effort estimation by analogy based on soft computing methods. Improving similarity join algorithms using fuzzy clustering technique. A fuzzy clustering algorithm for dynamic environments. Recognizing emotions in short text. A parallel clustering approach for hybrid data discovery.

Learning grammar weights using genetic algorithms. Distance learning and supporting tools at Babes-Bolyai University. Improving movement analysis in physical therapy systems based on kinect interaction.

A formal model for component-based system assessment. Romanian registry on cardiac arrest - a piece in the puzzle - romanian contribution in the EuReCA project. Joining the EuReCA - The Romanian Registry on Cardiac Arrest - a year later. Aplicatii privind proiectarea asistata de calculator a bilanturilor energetice applications concerning the computer aided design of the energetical balance sheets. Applications of Fuzzy Clustering in Chemistry. Theoretical approach of Fuzzy Clustering for Chemistry.

Programe vizuale sub Delphi Equilibria in water solutions. Visual programs in Delphi. A formal approach of web sites management. Ordinal data analysis using agglomerative clustering algorithms.

Programe de calcul pentru instalatiile electrice ale cladirilor software for electrical installations in buildings. Fuzzy hierarchical classification with adaptive prototypes. Interior Lighting Design - computer programs for calculus and graphic representation.

Aspecte actuale privind proiectarea asistata de calculator a sistemelor de iluminat electrice actual aspects concerning the computer assisted design of electrical lighting systems.

The future of Computer Science in the current context of the Romanian society. Using ActiveX technologies for providing Internet accessibility to existing computational applications.

Reteaua Internet, mijloc de comunicare si sursa de informare internet, communication medium and information source. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tempus-Phare CME Program. LSD - Lighting Systems Design - un program pentru proiectarea sistemelor de iluminat LSD - Lighting Systems Design - software for designing of lighting systems. Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tempus-Phare CME Program. A study of licence examination results using fuzzy clustering techniques. Architectural lighting, chromaticity and environment.

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ISSN Marc Fontoynont, ENTPE, France. Institute for Research, Design and Production of Automatization Equipment and Installations Bucharest, Cluj Branch, Ion Chiricuta Oncological Institute of Cluj, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj and Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj.

Grant PNCDI II Partnerships No. Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Chair of Psychology and Chair of Programming Languages and Methods from BBU. Research grant coordinated by Prof. Applications in machine learning, evolutionary optimisation, scientific data analysis and natural language processing.

Contract between the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca and the National Council of University Scientific Research, Ministry of Research and Technology. Useful algorithms in the functioning of the university services network. New performant algorithms concerning problems of classification, simulation and reorganization of data.

Militon Frentiu and Grigor Moldovan. RomanianPop, F. Details About the Thesis This Ph. The fuzzy set appeared as a result of the trials to solve the pattern recognition problem in the context of imprecisely defined categories. In such cases, the membership degree of an object to a class is a problem of nuance. A first application of the fuzzy sets theory in the cluster analysis is due to Ruspini in [16]. However, the relevance of the fuzzy sets theory for the classification theory and for pattern recognition was definitely established inwith the paper of Dunn and Bezdek [8] concerning the Fuzzy n-Means algorithm.

The thesis lays on pages, is structured on six chapters, and has a bibliography of titles. The first chapter shows the fundamental notions of the fuzzy sets theory. There are defined the fuzzy sets and fuzzy points. There are presented the axioms of the fuzzy sets operations. The triangular norms and co-norms and the fuzzy complement are introduced.

The disjointness of two fuzzy sets and of a family at most countable of fuzzy sets are discussed. Finally, there are approached metrical notions as distance between two fuzzy sets, diameter of a fuzzy set and distance with respect to a fuzzy set.

The second chapter discusses the problem of convex decomposition of finite fuzzy partitions. There are approached both the degenerate and the non-degenerate convex decomposition. The MiniMax and MiniMiniMax degenerate convex decomposition algorithms are studied. We show that these algorithms have a series of common properties. A comparative statistical study with respect to these two algorithms is presented.

In the second part, the problem of non-degenerate convex decomposition is studied. The algorithm DNDCD for non-degenerate convex decomposition of a fuzzy partition is presented. If such a convex decomposition does not exist, the algorithm produces a convex decomposition as less degenerate as possible.

The properties of the DNDCD algorithm are then studied. The third chapter approaches the unsupervised fuzzy classification. The fundamental problem of classification is presented. The most important classes of classification algorithms are discussed. In what follows the algorithms based on optimizing a criterion function will be studied. The di- similarity measure is defined.

The Classical n-Means algorithm and its fuzzy version, Fuzzy n-Means, are presented. The convergence of the algorithms similar to Fuzzy n-Means is studied. The 'weak points' of the Fuzzy n-Means are discussed. There is approached the cluster validity problem. Different validity functionals are presented. The generalization of the Fuzzy n-Means algorithm for producing the cluster substructure of a fuzzy set, and the fuzzy divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm are studied.

The problem of unequal sized clusters is discussed. The algorithms based on adaptive metric and ellipsoidal prototypes are studied. There is studied the problem of the classes' shape and the use of linear prototypes; the use of convex combinations between the criterion functions; the use of adaptive prototypes.

Other types of classification are approached: The notion of fuzzy set associated to a classical set is then studied. There is presented an algorithm to produce this fuzzy set. Finally, a series of numerical experiments with respect to these algorithms is done. The fourth chapter studies the problem of supervised fuzzy classification.

The Rosenblatt perceptron algorithm is presented. The notion of linear separability with respect to two fuzzy sets is studied. A few generalization of the perceptron algorithm are studied: The fuzzy relaxation algorithm is studied.

This algorithm has a series of interesting properties that allow its use in the case of two linearly non-separable fuzzy sets. A series of fuzzy algorithms based on minimization of the square error are presented: The fuzzy decision supervised classification is then studied.

Known Types of Aliens and Races

A series of fuzzy algorithms are discussed: The fifth chapter presents the SAADI software System for Automatic Analysis of Data and for their Interpretation. This system, realized using Borland Pascal with Objects 7. The system has effectively been used in the research activity of the Fuzzy Systems Research Group from the Department of Computer Science, as well as in the research activity at other faculties of our university.

The sixth chapter presents a few fuzzy classification applications. There is approached the use of fuzzy sets to optimally selecting the solvents systems; to the study of Roman pottery terra sigillata ; to the classification of Greek muds and pelloids; to the study of importance of fuzzy regression algorithms in chemistry; to the creation of a fuzzy system of chemical elements.

Among the original elements presented throughout this thesis we recall the following: Bezdek, Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms, Plenum Press, New York, James C. Watson, Detection and characterisation of cluster substructure: Fuzzy C-lines, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 40, 2James C.

Japanese Yen. Money Management |

Fuzzy C-varieties and convex combinations thereof, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 40, 2D. Dumitrescu, and Horia F.

Pop, Convex decomposition of fuzzy partitions, I. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 73D. Dumitrescu and Horia F. Pop, Convex decomposition of fuzzy partitions, II.

Fuzzy Sets and Systems 96D. Pop and Costel Sarbu, Fuzzy hierarchical cross-classification of Greek muds, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 35D. Dumitrescu, Costel Sarbu and Horia F. Pop, A fuzzy divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm for the optimal choice of set of solvent systems, Analytical Letters 27, 5J. Dunn, A fuzzy relative of the ISODATA process and its use in detecting compact well-separated clusters, Journal of Cybernetics 3, 3Horia F.

Pop, Adaptive prototypes in fuzzy clustering, B. Pop, A study of the properties of the Fuzzy Relaxation Algorithm, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Math. Dumitrescu and Costel Sarbu, A study of Roman pottery terra sigillata using hierarchical fuzzy clustering, Analitica Chimica ActaHoria F. Pop and Costel Sarbu, A new fuzzy regression algorithm, Journal of Analytical Chemistry 68Horia F.

Pop, Costel Sarbu, Ossi Horowitz and D. Dumitrescu, A fuzzy classification of the chemical elements, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36Enrique H. Ruspini, A new approach to clustering, Information and Control 15Costel Sarbu, Ossi Horowitz and Horia F. Pop, A fuzzy classification of the chemical elements, based both on their physical, chemical and structural features, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36 BoxLiverpool L69 3BX, Great Britain, E-mail: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Manchester University Press, The Falmer Press, SADIC for wxWidgets - System for Automatic Data Investigation and Classification, SADIC for wxWindows - System for Automatic Data Investigation and Classification, SAADIW - System for Automatic Analysis of Data and for their Interpretation, Software for characteristics reduction, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy regression, fuzzy training and fuzzy cross-classification.

LIGHT - Software package for interior and exterior lighting design, SAADI - System for Automatic Analysis of Data and for their Interpretation, Software Package for Design and Analysis of Low Voltage Electrical Installations, CHAN - Didactical demonstrative software package for applications of Analytical Chemistry, Thesis "Intelligent Systems in Classification Problems" Scientific supervisor: Bachelor's Degree with maximum grade: Thesis "Adaptive Prototypes in Fuzzy Clustering" Scientific supervisor: Program de master din anul The overall sequence is: This single file creates a barebones TW environment that is just sufficient to bootstrap the modules containing the main logic of the application.

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