How to earn money on gather

How to earn money on gather

Posted: MKV Date: 26.05.2017

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how to earn money on gather

Jun 16, Some browsers may require you to do this manually. Here's a guide I put together to help users make treasure more effectively and thus enjoy Flight Rising more. A few little tips and tricks to help you on your way. Please bear in mind that none of these techniques are going to make you instantly wealthy. It's going to take time and effort. If you want to make treasure really fast and have access to disposable income, then your best bet is to buy gems and trade them for treasure.

Or buy gem items Like Scatterscrolls, gene scrolls and breed scrolls and sell them for treasure. Saving is hard it's like being on a strict diet , especially when saving a rather large sum up.

The best advice I have is set yourself one goal at a time and work towards it.

how to earn money on gather

The easiest way to do this is using the vault. Located in your hoard tab. Is like an alternate inventory. A place where you can store treasure, gems and all manner of other valables. This is a great tool for saving up. There are many ways to go about banking your treasure and gems, its really up to you how you want to do it. You could bank a percentage of your fairgrounds income, or daily income. The vault is also a great place to store items for Swipp so you don't accidentally sell them and all manner of things you'd like to keep; Chests, awakened familiars, festival items, rare items, items you like to collect.

Anything you want to stash away for a later time. Familiars While the treasure gain from familiars is not that great, it is a little something extra in your pocket daily. The reward for levelling up their friendliness bars is a chest and those you do want.

Make sure all your dragons have familiars and you visit them daily for rewards. Also, Rusted Treasure Chests can be swapped at Swipp's for Gilded Decorative Chests.

It is worthwhile saving them. Breeding Although this is a pet breeding site, the current market for dragons is not great but it is not impossible to sell dragons either, just challenging.

There are several ways to go about putting a bit of money in your pocket from breeding. It is likely that they will sell well and for a fair amount of treasure. Picking up cheap dragons off the market and breeding them for exalt babies is easy.

Once these babies hatch you can straight up exalt them for a small sum of treasure. While it is not a huge treasure amount About 2. Like above, except instead of exalting them yourself you can sell them as cheap fodder to other players.

Those players that participate in dominance runs will be scouring the market for dragons to exalt weekly. The prices in the Auction house fluctuate frequently, keep an eye on them.

This would mostly concern cheap adults, that would be classed as exalt fodder. This allows players to snap them up, train them and exalt them. Don't be discouraged by the current market to not breed. Breeding and selling dragons is really a game of patience.

Gathering When first starting out you have 10 gathering turns per day. These do not stack so you must use them everyday. Gathering can really be done any way you choose. I like to spread my gathering turns as wide as possible. Meaning I devote 5 to food, 5 to Digging and 5 to Scavenging. Scavenging for food gives me more variety of goodies for Crim and a bit of food for my dragons if I need.

Additionally, you can farm food from the coliseum easily as well. I use 5 turns in digging as I want rare items like gold and chests. Lastly, I put 5 turns in scavenging as I may turn up dragon eggs. It's really up to you to choose where to spend your turns. Also many users are looking for certain items for Swipp's Swap Stand.

These items either the materials needed to make the item or the item itself usually sell for a fair amount of treasure. Here is a great reference list of where to gather certain items from: Link Exalting There are a few methods for exalting that can turn you a nice profit: This method requires you to have a bit of space that you can spare in your lair.

When the hatchlings grow up, level them and exalt them. This method is best suited for users that don't have that much lair space to spare for hatchlings and waiting for them to grow up. Buy adults in the 7k - 8k region. Train and exalt immediately. If you are training to level 7, this will net you a nice profit. Exalting Treasure Payout Chart: Link Coliseum It is quite easy to make a sizeable sum of treasure every hour by farming the coliseum. Starting out is slow going but once your dragons start hitting higher levels you can easily farm the Training Grounds or higher areas for items.

The key here is to be able to kill your opponents quickly to ensure you are getting through as many battles as you can.

It is very repetitive and can be very boring. Something I like to do when I have my dragons set up to farm is watch series as I farm. The majority of items you can sell straight from your hoard. Though it is always wise to check the prices on the Auction house as you may be able to sell them for more treasure. Food often sells very well from the coliseum. Have a look at these guide to help build your dragons for coliseum farming.

Here Coliseum Build Guide: Here Coliseum Farming guide: Here Trading Post Pinkerton's Plundered Pile: You get a random free item every day! Most of the time you will get bugs or rocks but sometimes you can get yourself a familiar, dragon egg or some really great battlestones. Remember I advised to spread your gathering turns wide? This is the reason.

Every hour Crim asks for 5 random items, which she will pay you t each. This gives you the potential to earn t per hour Some items, like battlestones and familiars she will pay more for. I like to keep 5 of every item for this.

Also if you don't have an item Crim wants it is always worthwhile to check the auction house for it. Most of the time you can get the item for below t and still make a profit. Be advised not to give Crim your dragon eggs, you can get much more for them on the Auction house. Also take care when handing over familiars and Battlestones. Here is another reason to stash loads of items.

Every two hours Swipp asks for a new trade. This trade can be for a familiar, apparel or golden chests. Saving up will take a while but you can sell the exchanged item off for profit or you can sell the gathered items off to users on the auction house for profit as well. Here is a list to see what trades are currently available: Link Tomo's Trivia Tablet: This is a very easy way to net t per day if you get all the trivia right that is and to learn a few things about the site.

Link Baldwin's Bubbling Brew Baldwin's Bubbling Brew is basically a crafting system. There will likely be future updates with recipes.

There is no trick to getting the various rarity goos, sludges etc. So there is no point in throwing expensive and rare items into the cauldron. Use the cheapest and easiest to get your hands on.

Mostly I use coliseum drops because I have an abundence of them and can easily get more.

For food goo I use 2 point food items that I can easily gather from the coliseum Training Grounds, Woodland Path and Scorched Forest Food drops. For Material Ooze and Trinkets, again you can use items that are easily gathered like Clay or Clay Pots and many others but you can also use items you get from the Coliseum. I grind a lot on the Mire, so I tend to get a lot of Mire Materials and Trinkets that I can throw in the pot.

You could also grind in low level coliseum areas for trinkets and materials. For Familiar Muck, the same applies. I use common familiar drops from the coliseum.

Do check their prices on the AH first before you melt them down. Some familiars are harder to get than others in the coliseum. For Apparel Slime, this one is a bit tricker than the rest but I can suggest keeping your common coliseum drops for this purpose and keeping your extra common apparel gained from opening chests as well. An alchemy guide to help with recipes and where to find materials: Link Fairgrounds You can earn up to 75,t a day from playing Fairground games.

At this current stage I find Fairgrounds to be very time consuming and the coliseum to be a much more profitable option of making treasure. Try both and see what you prefer! Runestones of the Arcanist: Is a memory game. I find this to be the quickest way to reach the cap. I usually just play levels 1 to 8 repeatedly, as I can get through those the quickest.

This all depends on you.

How to make gil with gathering at lv : ffxiv

If you're not so great at puzzles, do easy puzzles to finish them quickly. I like to do easy as again, it's quickest for me.

Eliminate the blocks before the reach the top! So there is a little trick to this one, which makes it the quickest way to earn treasure via the fairgrounds. Play on Easy mode.

Fill the area with as many blocks as you can without ending your game and then click or switch the blocks with the keyboard wildly, starting at the bottom and working your way around. This means more combinations which in turn means more points.

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Neaten the blocks out and repeat. Do this several times. Once your score hits around k you can intentionally lose the game. This should net you around 10k treasure. This method takes abit of practice but once you get it right, you can earn 10k treasure within 6 - 10 minutes of playing. This does not count towards the treasure cap. Every hour you are allowed 25 guesses, where you have to guess if the face down card is higher or lower than the card you are shown.

Normally my tactic is this 1 - 6 guess higher and 7 - 12 guess lower. You get 50t per right guess, that is the potential to earn t each hour. You get - treasure per completed puzzle depending on the puzzle difficulty. The best would be to do as many puzzles as possible. Still in beta so things might change in the near future. Very simple, match three or more game. Switch the relics around to do so. At the top of the board you have three different relics that you have to collect a certain number or in order to pass the round.

You net around t per points in this game. It's a steady treasure grind.

[Guide] Making Treasure! | Guides | Flight Rising

Be warned that there is no pause button. Festive Favours In the last week of every month except December there is a elemental themed holiday.

During this holiday, depending on the element, you can gather special currency from gathering or via the coliseum from the correct element enemies or non-element enemies.

Gather- Earn Money While Socializing

If it were the Lightning Holiday Thundercrack Carnivale you should be spending all your gathering turns in the Lightning areas to get the special currency Charged Sprocket. You can also get the currency from the coliseum, as it will drop off Lightning elemental mobs or non-elemental mobs.

With this currency you can pop over to the Festive Favours shop In your shop menu on the left and buy special limited edition items. If you're not interested in the items, you can either buy them, leave them to collect dust in your hoard and sell them a few months later to users who were not able to get the items. If you are not interested in the items you can sell the special currency to other users on the auction house It is preferable to sell the currency before the festival is over or sell the currency via the Items for Sale forum.

The - The Sprites Familiars and special apparel have been retired. Never to come back again. The - Elemental Bear Familiars have been dubbed as 'cycled out'. Which means the will return again.

how to earn money on gather

The apparel items, as far as I know, are retired except the emblem. These are great investments to buy during the festival and save for a later date as they continually increase in value. Also there are special chests for the holiday that drop in the coliseum from the element enemies who's element is the same as the festival and from non-element enemies. These chests contain special winning skins, that were made for the skin contest. Even if you don't like skins these are great to sell on the auction house for a bit of treasure The Skins are retired items, meaning they do gain value.

These chests can also be gained from Digging in the right elemental zone. Note, the special holiday currency will still be valid for the next festival of the following year. Charged Sprockets From the Lightning festival will be valid for the Lightning festival again and the years that follow. So you can leave your extra currency in your hoard to collect dust until the festival swings round again.

Here is a great guide of where monsters of specific elements appear in the coliseum for those who want to farm: Link Auction House Advantage of having an auction house means you can play the auction house.

The method is to buy low and sell high. This requires you to know your prices and most often you have to be quite lucky to catch the low priced items. If you have the patience you can use the auction house to sell off all your extras from gathering and the coliseum.

I find that items that fall in the Food, materials and other categories sell well. Selling items in bulk for Swipp trades is a great way to make money and selling items for Crim is another way to make a bit of profit. Link Gems Gems are the premium currency on the site, bought with real money. As said before, if you have access to disposable income you can purchase gems and sell them for treasure via the Items for Sale Forum.

You can also accumulate gems on your own if you do not have access to income or don't want to spend real money on the game. You can sell a multitude of things for gems on the auction house, including dragons. You can also earn them from opening chests.

Extra Just in case I forgot anything, here is a handy list of all the helpful guides found around the site. Last edited on Oct 20, The breed scrolls are quite a hefty amount to save up for, specially when there are so many other shiny things around. It would be a good thing to say, save up for one thing at a time as nothing is going to disappear in a hurry. Last edited on Jun 16, Jun 17, Bump, because this is very useful for people starting out.

I'm back, but life is being complicated. It probably will take awhile for me to reply, because I log on irratically. Jun 18, Spend points in the food gathering sections as well. Since my first day I never again "wasted" my turns to gather food; I simply used them for the "Scavaging" option. I do coliseum Monster Battles almost everyday, and I keep my dragons well fed from what I get there, and still have a lot I can sell.

And I was on a dragon buying spree from the first day as well, have a lot of jaws to keep busy, so they don't decide to try and chew on me instead! I usually use at least two dragons of one level bracket, in the second area beneath their bracket. Two dragons of level 9, who would be able to fight in "Sandswept Delta", I use in the "Woodland Path". Though three dragons of level eight, usually in the bracket for "Scorched Forest", are also able to farm the "Woodland Path", usually.

I have to admit, though, that I did not get a wide variety of items from just scavanging, even though spreading my turns for gathering in different areas gave some variety at least. I just wanted to point out: I get a lot of Hooves and Snakes meat , some variety of different leaves plants , also from the "Treasure Chests" that can drop now, and more than enough Moth Legs and Moth Wings insects to keep all my Faes fed!

Not really any seafood as of now, though. Thanks for the guide, Fayrin! My advice would be to not just focus on Scavenging or digging. Last edited on Jun 18, I do see you point. That was my tactic as well when I first started.

It is completely possible to forgo using any gathering turns on food, use them on scavenging and just grind the food you need from the coliseum. I suggested the spread of gathering points mostly to have a wide variety of items for Crim.

That being said, most of the time you can pick up the items Crim wants off the auction house for a decent price, which still nets you a decent amount of treasure.

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So as it stands, people can choose to do what they like because there are alternatives. I shall edit in your advice: Being a true treasure hoarding dragon at heart, I really should start using my turns for food as well, though.

To get all those shiny items! Hoard ALL the things! I wish I had a display cabinet to stash them all! Jun 20, Are you sure you want to block this user? All Rights Reserved Terms of Use Rules and Guidelines Code of Conduct Privacy Policy Employment Opportunities Credits Contact Us.

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