How to make money fast in ac unity

How to make money fast in ac unity

Posted: Sochi-kurort Date: 24.06.2017
Assassin's Creed Unity 1.000.000 F MONEY Strategy

It's probably been answered before. Check out Frequently Asked Questions first. How to earn fast money in AC: Unity 60k per minutes self. I haven't seen this posted yet so I thought I'd share a trick I found to make money extremely quickly. Open up the 4 player co-op 5 star heist called "It Belongs in a Museum".

assassins-creed-unity-how-to-earn-fast-money-farming-guide - GameFront

It's located in Sorbonne. Go into a private version of this mission. Follow the building around to the right and loot the first painting.

Simply loot it and then run away and claim your money. If it isn't the correct painting just exit and restart the mission. I've actually had it work back to back and I've had it work once in five or six tries.

Occasionally the locations of the paintings seem to change but in the 20 or so runs I've done they changed 1 time and weren't in those locations. Just restart mission and run it again. Easiest way to make money: Buy the Cafes, do their missions not sure if completing each of the three missions unlocked per Cafe increases revenue or notand collect your city-wide Cafe operation's revenue in your main Cafe Theater in the lower center island green chest icon between missions.

This should be a PSA. Seriously, it's like ACII all over again I'm going to be swimming in money soon.

How to earn fast money in AC:Unity (60k per minutes) : assassinscreed

There's a harder mission for one of the social clubs that require you to kill 13 high level guys in an open field. I used nearby guards and allies to distract most of them. The first couple tries a target would fall through the map and I'd have to desync. That was really the only frustrating part. I enjoyed watching them all fight each other. Super convenient there's a supplies guy right near them. Seriously that mission was a bitchI did it about 15 times before passing it. I literally would kill a batch of guys with the phantom blades go hide them buy more phantom blades and repeat.

I was having a hell of a time because I'm geared for stealth and I kept getting rushed and slaughtered I accidentally got spotted by the lookout while on the roof of the target building, for some reason the target climbed up the ladder to the roof and 1v1'd me and I just ran away after that lol. I'm happy I found them. Die on purpose first to get the lay of the land and see how many guards there are, then when you spawn, it places you in an almost perfect set up.

You need to enter the house with the musket guard on a balcony, then clear it out stealthily, it isn't hard. Then when you reach the balcony guard, shoot the musketeer that's directly across from you with a phantom blade shot. Climb all the way to the top of the building you're in. You can reach the roof without ever stepping out of the house because on the third floor there is a ladder that leaves you facing the palais.

Parkour to the roof of the palais, there are three musketeers patrolling the roof. Don't worry about stealth because if they detect you, it doesn't alert the guards back on the ground because you're 3 floors up.

The last musketeer is on a balcony on the far side of the building. If you kill the guards in the right order, you can then just lure the ones walking around away with a cherry bomb, and then smoke out the are where the priest is. Assassinate him or just steal it off of him, then run away.

The next part is pretty self explanatory. Just speak to your contact and get to the vantage point. Follow the guy and tackle him to find the location of renards hideout. It's actually the same building you had to clear out to get to the roof of the palais where the priest is. Go in guns blazing, or be stealthy. Doesn't matter, there's only sword guards and they're easier to fight.

Then renard is right there and kill him and you're now 25, livres richer. Go in from the right hand roof, through the open window into the attic. Go to the hole over the ladder, hit the visible guard in the leg with a beserk blade, chaos ensues.

Drop down, clean up, and exfil. There's the main Cafe Theatre, then there're smaller cafes around Paris with their own missions, though they don't improve revenue, hey only give money rewards. Renovating them in the first place increases your Cafe Theatre revenue. Renovating them does improve revenue.

Otherwise what would be the point of renovating them in the first place. Yes all that matters is that the one on the right is there. And it is about 75 percent of the time.

Assassin's Creed Unity Fast Money Guide - Money Farming, How to Make Money Easily | SegmentNext

There was a streak where it was the legit painting two out of four times, and one time, I ran all the around the back and did the same with the painting on the opposite wing. Got me 65, on that one. Got aboutin 20 minutes. I've tried more times. It's spawning there more often, but it's still one of the duds every time. Forex course strategy training some shitty luck I guess.

I'm not OP but I corroborated it so I feel bad for wasting your time.

how to make money fast in ac unity

The other thing I do that OP didn't mention is that I'll keep going if it's not it. And just run to stock-market selloff gains steam room of the next painting, throw down smoke bombs and kill the ten or so guys that follow me.

It's a guaranteed 25k and smoke bombs are crazy cheap. And then I just search the huge stacks of corpses for the medicine I burn through sometimes. It's still way more efficient than opening chests and it's more fun imo. And then occasionally, youll get lucky and get k too. Yeah I've done it about 10 times now, I did have a run where I had to reset it about times. Originally I assumed it would never be that one ever so the first couple times I did the mission solo I always hit how to make money fast in ac unity portrait first and then keep going until I find the right one.

Then one time I did it and it was that very first one and I was like, "wtf, why am I doing the mission if there is a chance the first one will be the objective? It's really just random but yeah as you can see in the video it definitely works. I had a lot of success the first couple goes but then I've had rounds where it took a bit before another success.

I thought it was more reliable since I even got porque investir em forex few successes back to back but yeah, it's just chance. I just tried it and it worked for me on the 3rd attempt, im on xbox one. The painting doesn't even show up in the location he is showing it at.

So I just reset until it does? I just tried this like 10 times and no luck what so ever: Maybe they have done some sort of cash earn paypal Thanks for the tip, I was able to do this successfully a few times.

You do NOT need to quit the mission and restart to randomize the real painting's location waste of time due to loading screen.

Restarting the mission is enough to reset everything. When you restart the mission, the painting location illustrated by the OP can be either on the second floor what you want or third floor. At the very start of the mission, just look at the waypoints and see if it's on the second or third floor. If it's on the third floor, just restart the mission. There were instances were it took me restarts before I finally got the real thing at that location.

But then again, there were also times that it showed up in restarts. Does this still work? I've tried at least 20 times and every time either the location of the painting is on the third floor or the painting is on the second floor, but is a fake. The point with the museum mission is that if the far right painting is the correct one, you can get in and back out in less than a minute, never fighting anyone.

This missions takes 5 minutes tops if you and a few friends understand it. You can get over a million in a few hours. Guess I'm just unlucky. Those times the painting was in the correct spot it was a fake. I must've tried 50 times. Where on the map would this mission be located? Also is there a certain level I need to be to play it? A screenshot would be perfect: You can start co-op missions and heists from tracker too. When you quit mission, you wil be at mission giver so you can start it again.

You don't need to locate him first. Can someone confrim if you have to quit the mission and then restart or does just restarting suffice? I can confirm that the final target is not randomized if you simply restart, or die and retry the mission. I can actually fairly easily get 2 of the 4 with a smokebomb with the video's setup, and i managed to find it in spot 2 for me - but died shortly after.

Tried again and it was the same painting, with thesame guard layout. Does it matter if you restart memory versus reload last checkpoint?

I seem to never get the right painting if I load last checkpoint, but maybe it's just my luck. This doesn't fucking work; I've tried it like 10 timess now. It has only spawned in that location once, and it was one of the fakes. Why do people want to get rich quick in games? Just play the game normally and you'll end up with tons of cash by the end. Another way to make money is to collect it from the cafe chest then sign off you xbox and disconnect from xbl. Then set your time to 30 minutes ahead, sign back in and collect your money.

Then log back on xbox live changes your time to current time rinse and repeat. Don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of grinding just to get something that's mildly better than what I already have. A reason why I'm not too big into MMOs either. I'd rather skip all that and just stick to the story and stabbing. Since when was doing a fun mission for 5 minutes grinding? I could understand if it took 1 hour to complete but 5 minutes is definitely not a grind.

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Check out the game summaries on our wiki. Even with the same story?

Egyptian Gods in AC: O confirmed PLUS confirmation that there's no inventory limit! This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Plus 7 more berserk blades! The painting locations and guard placements change. I've been at it for like a half an hour. Always fake for me, done this around 9 times now and counting. All 4 paintings are in the same place every time.

Did they patch it? You have to quit mission and begin it again as private. That one has four chests. Just got my first painting on my 3rd try. U is to play on PC and learn how to edit hexes. You make me sad, why don't you like video games? Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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