Chapter 7 section 2 trade spreads indian religions and culture

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Where Christian churches, other religions stand on gay marriage | Pew Research Center

Upgrade to remove ads. One of India's greatest writers. He may have been the court poet for Chandra Gupta II.

World History Chapter 4 Section 2

He was most famous for his play, Shakuntala, about a beautiful girl who falls in love with and marries a middle-aged king These routes were called this because traders used them to bring silk from China to western Asia and then on to Rome.

How did Buddhism change after Buddha's death?

Buddhism - Wikipedia

Some started to worship him as a god, even thought he did not want them to do that The new ideas changed Buddhism from a religion that emphasized individual discipline to a mass religion that offered salvation to all and allowed popular worship. What were India's main trade goods in the fifth century?

What were some of India's contributions to science during the Gupta period?

chapter 7 section 2 trade spreads indian religions and culture
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