Stockscores canadian active trader expo

Stockscores canadian active trader expo

Posted: Agaric Date: 14.06.2017

Stockscores Canadian Active Trader Expo – Vancouver - Sparx Trading

Lawrence McMillan, professional trader, is the founder and president of McMillan Analysis Corporation, a registered investment adviser and commodity trading adviser. An active trader of his own account, he also manages option-oriented accounts for certain individuals.

stockscores canadian active trader expo

McMillan speaks on option strategies at many seminars and colloquia in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Prior to founding his own firm, he was a proprietary trader at two major brokerage firms--primarily Thomson McKinnon Securities, where he ran the equity arbitrage department for nine years.

McMillan is perhaps best known as the author of Options as a Strategic Investmentthe bestselling work on stock and index options strategies, which has sold overcopies. In a research capacity, he edits and contributes to his firm's publications: Daily Volume Alerts ; The Option Strategist ; and The Daily Strategista derivative products newsletter covering equity, index, and futures options.

Stockscores Canadian Active Trader Expo - Montreal - Sparx Trading

McMillan is quoted in publications such as the Wall Street JournalBarron's inquirer business forex, Technical Analysis stockscores canadian active trader expo Stocks and CommoditiesData Broadcasting's Exchange magazine, Futures magazine, TheStreet.

We'll look at all of those and illustrate some extremely important points: An option is a contract to buy or sell a specific financial product at a certain price on a certain date.

It is possible to lose all of your investment if the underlying market moves against your position. Options trading is not suitable for all investors.

Traders should consult a tax stockscores canadian active trader expo about any potential tax consequences of their trades. Your account to trade options will be considered and approved or disapproved based on all relevant factors, including your trading experience.

Automated trading, as it relates to direct-access electronic order placement and execution of equity options trades, requires manual one-click verification before an order is sent.

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These costs will affect the profitability of all stock and options trades and should be considered prior to making any trade. Option data price and volume can often be used to structure trading indicators or systems designed to predict the movements of the broad stock market. In this session, Larry McMillan will review the prominent ones put-call ratios, volatility indices such as VIX, etc. Before using this site please read our complete Terms of Serviceincluding the trademark notice, and our Privacy Policy.

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