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Trade bulgarian stocks

Posted: SearDocT Date: 13.07.2017

The First Bulgarian Empire Old Bulgarian: It was founded circa when Bulgar tribes led by Asparukh moved to the north-eastern Balkans. At the height of its power, Bulgaria spread from the Danube Bend to the Black Sea and from the Dnieper River to the Adriatic Sea.

As the state solidified its position in the Balkans, it entered into a centuries-long interaction, sometimes friendly and sometimes hostile, with the Byzantine Empire. Bulgaria emerged as Byzantium's chief antagonist to its north, resulting in several wars.

The two powers also enjoyed periods of peace and alliance, most notably during the Second Arab siege of Constantinoplewhere the Bulgarian army broke the siege and destroyed the Arab army, thus preventing an Arab invasion of Southeastern Europe. Byzantium had a strong cultural influence on Bulgaria, which also led to the eventual adoption of Christianity in After the disintegration of the Avar Khaganatethe country expanded its territory northwest to the Pannonian Plain.

Later the Bulgarians confronted the advance of the Pechenegs and Cumansand achieved a decisive victory over the Magyarsforcing them to establish themselves permanently in Pannonia. During the late 9th and early 10th centuries, Simeon I achieved a string of victories over the Byzantines.

Thereafter, he was recognized with the title of Emperor, and proceeded to expand the state to its greatest extent. After the annihilation of the Byzantine army in the battle of Anchialus inthe Bulgarians laid siege to Constantinople in and The Byzantines, however, eventually recovered, and inunder Basil IIinflicted a crushing defeat on the Bulgarians at the Battle of Kleidion. Bythe last Bulgarian strongholds had surrendered to the Byzantine Empire, and the First Bulgarian Empire had ceased to exist.

It was succeeded by the Second Bulgarian Empire in After the adoption of ChristianityBulgaria became the cultural center of Slavic Europe. Its leading cultural position was further consolidated with the invention of the Glagolitic and Early Cyrillic alphabets shortly after in the capital Preslavand literature produced in Old Bulgarian soon began spreading north.

Old Bulgarian became the lingua franca of much of Eastern Europe and it came to be known as Old Church Slavonic. Inthe fully independent Bulgarian Patriarchate was officially recognized. The Bulgars and other non-Slavic tribes in the empire gradually adopted an essentially foreign Slavic language. Since the late 9th century, the names Bulgarians and Bulgarian gained prevalence and became permanent designations for the local population, both in literature and in common parlance.

The development of Old Church Slavonic literacy had the effect of preventing the assimilation of the South Slavs into neighbouring cultures, while stimulating the formation of a distinct Bulgarian identity. The First Bulgarian Empire became known simply as Bulgaria [8] since its recognition by the Byzantine Empire in Some historians use the terms Danube Bulgaria[9] First Bulgarian State[10] [11] or First Bulgarian Tsardom Empire.

Between and the country was also known as the Bulgarian Khanate[12] Danube Bulgarian Khanateor Danube Bulgar Khanate [13] [14] in order to differentiate it from Volga Bulgariawhich emerged from another Bulgar group. During its early existence, the country was also called the Bulgar state [15] or Bulgar qaghanate. In English language sources, the country is often known as the Bulgarian Empire. The eastern Balkan Peninsula was originally inhabited by the Thracians who were a group of Proto-Indo-European tribes.

Nonetheless, it never relinquished the claim to the whole region up to the Danube.

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A series of administrative, legislative, military and economic reforms somewhat improved the situation but despite these reforms disorder continued in much of the Balkans.

The Slavsof Indo-European origin, were first mentioned in written sources to inhabit the territories to the north of the Danube in the 5th century AD but most historians agree that they had arrived earlier. Consumed in bitter wars with the Persian Sasanian Empire in the east, the Byzantines had little resources to confront the Slavs. The Bulgars were semi- nomadic warrior tribes originating from Central Asia whose exact ethnic origin is controversial. They spoke a form of Turkic language and during their migration westwards they absorbed other ethnic groups and cultural influences, including HunnicIranian and Indo-European people.

The first clear mention of the Bulgars in written sources dates fromwhen they served as the allies of the Byzantine Emperor Zeno r. In the first half of the 6th century the Bulgars occasionally raided the Byzantine Empire but in the second half of the century the Kurtigurs were subjugated by the Avar Khaganate and the Utigurs came under the rule of the Western Turkic Khaganate.

As the power of the Western Turks faded in the s the Avars reasserted their domination over the Bulgars. Between and Khan Kubrat of the Dulo clan managed to unite the main Bulgar tribes and to declare independence from the Avars, creating a powerful confederation called Old Great Bulgariaalso known as Patria Onoguriabetween the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Caucasus.

The eldest Batbayan remained in his homeland as Kubrat's successor and eventually became Khazar vassal. The second brother Kotrag migrated to the middle Volga region and founded Volga Bulgaria. The Bulgars of Asparukh moved westwards to what is now Bessarabiasubdued the territories to the north of the Danube in modern Wallachiaand established themselves in the Danube Delta. For it was wondrous for faraway and close peoples to hear that he, who made everyone pay him tribute — to the east and to the west, to the north and to the south, had been defeated by this unclean and newly emerged people.

The relations between the Bulgars and the local Slavs is a matter of debate depending on the interpretation of the Byzantine sources. The Slavs were allowed to retain their chiefs, to abide to their customs and in return they were to pay tribute in kind and to provide foot soldiers for the army.

Vasil Zlatarski and John Van Antwerp Fine Jr. To the north-east the war with the Khazars persisted and in Khan Asparukh perished in battle with them. In he assisted the deposed Byzantine Emperor Justinian II to regain his throne in return of the area Zagore in Northern Thracewhich was the first expansion of Bulgaria to the south of the Balkan mountains. In the decisive battle before the Walls of Constantinople the Bulgarians slaughtered between 22, [67] and 30, [68] Arabs forcing them to abandon the undertaking.

Most historians agree that Byzantine-Bulgarian victory was the most important one for stopping the Arab offences against Europe. With the demise of Khan Sevar r. In just fifteen years seven Khans reigned, and all of them were murdered.

The only surviving sources of this period are Byzantine and present only the Byzantine point of view of the ensuing political turmoil in Bulgaria.

The internal instability was used by the "soldier Emperor" Constantine V r. The Byzantine military successes further deteriorated the crisis in Bulgaria but on the other hand rallied together many different fractions to resist the Byzantine advance in that period of political volatility and military setbacks, as shown at the council of when the nobility and the "armed people" denounced Khan Sabin with the words "Thanks to you, the Romans will enslave Bulgaria!

During the reign of Khan Krum r. Between and the Bulgarian armies thoroughly eliminated the Avar Khaganate, which had suffered a crippling blow by the Franks inand a border with the Frankish Empire was established along the middle Danube or Tizsa.

In response, the Bulgarians pillaged Eastern Thrace and seized the important city of Adrianopleresettling its 10, inhabitants in " Bulgaria across the Danube ". Krum's successor Khan Omurtag r. During the short reign of Khan Malamir r. Under Khan Presian r. With this, Bulgaria had become the dominant power in the Balkans. Historian Mark Whittow asserts that the claim for a Serb victory in that war in De Administrando Imperio was a wishful Byzantine thinking [16] but notes that any Serb submission to the Bulgarians went no further than the payment of tribute.

The reign of Boris I r. For ten years the country fought against the Byzantine Empire, Eastern FranciaGreat Moraviathe Croats and the Serbs forming several unsuccessful alliances and changing sides.

To cap it all, there was an incursion of locusts. The decisions of the Council of Preslav brought an end to the Byzantine hopes to exert influence over the newly Christianized country. At the same time, the Pechenegs advanced westwards and prevented the Magyars from returning to their homeland.

In the Byzantine emperor Alexander provoked a bitter war after resolving to discontinue paying an annual tribute to Bulgaria.

The Bulgarians also captured the important city of Adrianople in Thrace and seized the capital of the Theme of HellasThebesdeep in southern Greece. Inthe Serbs ambushed and defeated a small Bulgarian army, [] provoking a major retaliatory campaign that ended with Bulgaria's annexation of Serbia at the end of that year. The caliph sent representatives to Bulgaria to arrange an alliance but his emissaries were captured en route by the Byzantines near the Calabrian coast.

The Byzantine Emperor Romanos I Lekapenos managed to avert a Bulgarian—Arab alliance by showering the Arabs with generous gifts.

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By then Bulgaria controlled almost all Byzantine possessions in the Balkans, but without a fleet did not attempt to storm Constantinople. Both countries were exhausted by the huge military efforts that had taken a heavy toll on the population and economy.

Simeon's successor Peter I r. The Byzantines agreed to recognize him as Emperor of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Orthodox Church as an independent Patriarchate, as well as to pay an annual tribute.

During the first years of his reign, Peter I faced revolts by two of his three brothers, John in and Michael inbut both were quelled. Despite the treaty and the largely peaceful era that followed, the strategic position of the Bulgarian Empire remained difficult.

The growing insecurity, as well as expanding influence of the landed nobility and the higher clergy at the expense of the personal privileges of the peasantry, led to the emergence of Bogomilisma dualistic heretic sect that in the subsequent decades and centuries spread to the Byzantine Empire, northern Italy and southern France cf. In two years the Kievan Prince Svyatoslav I defeated the Bulgarian army, captured Preslav and established his capital at the important Bulgarian city of Preslavets meaning "Little Preslav".

The lands to the west of the Iskar River remained free and the Bulgarians were able to regroup headed by the four Cometopuli brothers. The new Byzantine Emperor Basil II was decisively defeated in the battle of the Gates of Trajan in and barely escaped with his life. Even if the sun would have come down, I would have never thought that the Moesian [Bulgarian] arrows were stronger than the Ausonian [Roman, Byzantine] spears. And when you, Phaethon [Sun], descend to the earth with your gold-shining chariot, tell the great soul of the Caesar [c]: The Istros [Bulgaria] took the crown of Rome.

Take up arms, the arrows of the Moesians broke the spears of the Ausonians. Immediately after the victory Samuel pushed east and recovered north-eastern Bulgaria with the old capitals Pliska and Preslav. In the next ten years the Bulgarian armies expanded the country south annexing the whole of Thessaly and Epirus and plundering the Peloponnese Peninsula. He established friendly relations with Stephen I of Hungary through a marriage between his son and heir Gavril Radomir and Stephen's daughter but eventually Gavril Radomir expelled his wife and in Hungary participated with the Byzantine forces against Bulgaria.

The First Bulgarian Empire was a hereditary monarchy. The monarch was responsible for forex ghl indicator issues of peace and war.

He was the commander-in-chief of the armed forcesa judge and a high priest in the pagan period. After Boris I adopted the Slavic Knyaz Princeand since trading forex ala george soros Bulgarian monarchs were recognised as Tsars Emperors.

The People's Council included the nobility and the "armed people" was gathered to discuss issues of crucial importance for the state. A People's Council in dethroned Khan Sabin because he was seeking peace with the Byzantines. The Kanasubigi Omurtag is a divine ruler in the land euro inflation rate calculator he was born. May God [ Tangra ] grant that the divine ruler may press down the [Byzantine] emperor with his foot so long as the Ticha flows The second dfb forex important post in Bulgaria after the monarch was the kavhanmonopolised by the members of the tentatively known "Kavhan family".

According to an inscription dated from the reign of Khan Malamir r. Each boila clan had its own totem and was believed to had been divinely established, hence their staunch opposition to Christianity, which was seen as a threat to their privileges.

The boila were divided into inner and lowyat forex xiii boilas and it was among their ranks that the holders of the highest military and administrative posts were selected.

The peasants lived in rural communities known as zadruga and had collective responsibility. Due to the limited remaining sources it is very difficult to reconstruct the administrative evolution and division of the country.

Initially the Slavic tribes retained their autonomy but since the beginning of the 9th century commenced a process of centralisation. The comita was appointed by the monarch, and was assisted by a tarkhan. The former had many civil and administrative functions, while the latter was responsible for the military affairs.

The first know written Bulgarian law code was issued by Khan Krum at a People's Council in the very beginning of the 9th century but the text has not survived in its integrity and only certain items have been preserved in the 10th-century Byzantine encyclopedia Suda. Currency exchange rates in bangkok airport Court Law for the People dealt with combating paganism, testimony of witnesses, sexual morality, marital relations, distribution of war booty, etc.

After the formation of the Bulgarian state the ruling elite harboured deep distrust towards the How much money do chartered accountants earn per month against whose perfidy and sudden attacks they had to maintain constant vigilance. Throughout the existence of the First Empire Bulgaria could expect Byzantine onslaughts aimed at stock market ticker widgets destruction.

Guards always stood on the alert and if anyone was to flee during a watch, the responsible guards are killed without hesitation. The Bulgarian army was armed with various types of weapons, the most widely used being sabresswordsbattle axesspearspikesdaggersarkansbows and arrows.

The helms were usually cone-shaped, the shields were round and light. The most important part of the army was the heavy cavalry. In the early 9th century the Bulgarian Khan could muster 30, riders "all covered in iron" [] who were armoured with iron helms and chain-mails. The army was well versed in the use of stratagems. A strong cavalry unit was often held in reserve and would attack the enemy at an opportune moment.

Free horses would be sometimes concentrated behind the battle formation to avoid surprise attacks from the rear. If the enemy pursued disorganized, they would turn back and fiercely attack them. In the Bulgarians took the capital of the Byzantine theme Hellas Thebes without bloodshed after sending into trade bulgarian stocks city five men with axes who eliminated the guards, broke the hinges of the gates, and opened them to the main forces.

The Bulgarian army was well equipped with siege engines. The Bulgarians employed the services of Byzantine and Arab captives and fugitives to produce siege equipment, such as the engineer Eumathius, who sought refuge to Khan Krum after the capture of Serdica in It is known that Khan Krum prepared 5, such wagons for his intended siege of Constantinople in Agriculture was the most important sector of the economy whose development was favoured by the fertile soils of Moesia, Thrace, and partly, Macedonia.

The latter was used for fabrics and cloths that were exported to the Byzantine Empire. In response to this problem binary trading for dummies pdf state maintained depositories of cereals as a reserve.

The importance of the meat for the Bulgarian table was demonstrated in the Responses of Pope Nicholas I to the Questions of the Bulgarianswhere seven out of questions concerned meat consumption.

Small-scale mining was developed in the Balkan Mountains, the Rhodope Mountains and some regions of Macedonia. Preslav had workshops that processed metals especially gold and silverstone and wood, and produced ceramics, glass and jewellery.

Trade had an important weight in the economy, as Bulgaria lay between the Byzantine Empire, Central Europe, the Rus' and the steppes. Goods without documents were to be confiscated for the state treasury. The Bulgarian merchants had a colony in Constantinople and paid favourable taxes. The country imported gold, silks, wine and fruits from the Byzantine Empire, silver and horses from Hungary and Bohemia, furs, honey, wax and slaves from the Rus'.

The First Bulgarian Empire did not mint coins and taxes were paid in kind. In addition to the taxes the peasantry must have had other obligations, such as building and maintaining infrastructure and defences, as well as to provide food and inventory to the army.

The density of the network of towns was large. The economic historian Paul Bairoch estimated that in Pliska had 30, inhabitants and around Preslav had some 60, making it the largest city in non-Muslim Europe, save Constantinople. The inner town would be encircled with stone walls and had administrative and defence functions, while the outer town, usually unprotected, was the centre of economic activities with markets, workshops, vineyards, gardens and dwelling for the populace.

In the first almost two centuries after its creation, the Bulgarian state remained pagan. The Bulgars and the Slavs continued to cpi and the stock market their indigenous religions.

The Bulgar religion was monotheistic, linked to the cult to Tangrathe God of the Sky. The triple bridle symbolised the toughness of the agreement and the lifting of grass reminded that no grass would remain in the enemy country if the peace was broken. The sacrifice of dogs was a common custom among the Turkic peoples which further strengthened the treaty.

The Slavs worshiped numerous deities. The supreme god was Perunthe god of thunder and lightening. Procopius noted that they also worshipped rivers and believed in should buy stock sirius. During sacrifices the Slavs would perform divinations.

After the adoption of Christianity the worship of Perun merged with the cult to Saint Elijah. Christianity was practised in Bulgaria throughout the whole pagan period. Its dissemination among the populace increased as a result of the successful wars of Khan Krum in the beginning of the 9th century. Omurtag and the nobility saw the Christians as Byzantine agents and felt that this religion, with its hierarchy based in Byzantium, was a treat to Bulgarian independence.

In a conversation with a Byzantine Christian Omurtag told him: As a proof, we who worship them, have conquered the whole Roman state". Omurtag's eldest son Enravotaseen as pro-Christian, was disinherited and eventually converted to Christianity.

After refusing to renounce his faith, he was orient exchange dubai rates today by orders of his brother Malamir c. If someone seeks the truth, God watches.

And if one lies, God watches. The Bulgarians did many good things to the Christians [the Byzantines] and the Christians forgot, but God watches. As Christianity was spreading further into Europe in the 9th century the pagan countries found themselves encircled by Christian powers which could use religion as an acceptable excuse for aggression.

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He had an alliance with the Eastern Franks since and was aware that the larger distance between the two countries was an obstacle for them to yield direct influence on the future Bulgarian Church.

The highest posts in the newly established Bulgarian Church were held by Byzantines stock market crash articles preached in Greek language. Inat the Fourth Council of Constantinoplethe Bulgarian Church was recognized as an autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church under the supreme direction of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

The adoption of Christianity was met with opposition by large layers of the nobility. The insurgency was crushed and 52 leading boilas were executed along with their whole kin. Since the Bulgarian Church was autonomous under an archbishop. Thus, the Church was entirely staffed by Bulgarians. He was well acquainted with the Byzantine imperial tradition that the autocrat must have a patriarch and there could be no empire without a Patriarchate.

It is likely that the seat of the Patriarchate was in the city of Drastar on the Danube River rather than in the capital Preslav. After the fall of the eastern parts of the empire under Byzantine occupation in the seat of the Patriarchate was relocated to the west in Ohrid.

It kept control of all existing episcopal sees, the seat remained in Ohrid and its titular, the Bulgarian John of Debarkept his office. Monasticism grew steadily and the monasteries quickly became major landowners with large population of peasants living their estates. One them, John of Rilabecame a hermit in the Rila Mountains and his virtues soon attracted a number of followers, [] who founded the renown Rila Monastery after his death.

He preached about living in harmony and stressed the value of manual labour and the need the monks never to aspire to riches and power. In the 10th century Stockland cairns opening hours easter clerics established connections with the emerging Christian communities in the Rus'.

The connections between Bulgarians and Russians must be considered an important background to the official conversion to Christianity of Kievan Rus' in The heresy was named after its founder the priest Bogomil whose name can be translated as dear mil to God Bog.

The main sources about Bogomilism in Bulgaria come from a letter of the Ecumenical Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople to Peter I c.

Women too could become perfecti. The Bulgarian state existed before the formation of the Bulgarian people. The cultural heritage of the First Bulgarian Empire is usually defined in Bulgarian historiography as the Pliska-Preslav culture, named after the first two capitals, Pliska and Preslavwhere most of the surviving monuments are concentrated.

Many monuments of that period have been found around MadaraShumenNovi Pazarthe village of Han Krum in north-eastern Bulgaria, as well in the territory of modern Romania, where Romanian archaeologists called it the " Dridu culture ". The whole area was encircled by a trench 3. The corners were protected by cylindrical towers and there were pentagonal towers between each corner and gate tower.

The palace complex included baths, a pool and a heating system. The Bulgarians also constructed forts with residences, called by the contemporary Byzantine authors aulsor fortified palaces. Forex srs trend rider review results inner town contained two palaces, called by the archaeologists the Western Palace and the Throne Hall that were linked.

Some of the buildings had marble or ceramic tile floors, and others had verandas on the second floor. After the adoption of Christianity inintensive construction of churches and monasteries began throughout the Empire.

Many of them were erected over the old pagan temples. The churches were decorated with ceramics, plastic elements and a variety of decorative forms. It was a domed rotunda with a two-tiered colonnade in the interior and a walled atrium with niches and columns. In the region of Kutmichevitsa to the south-west, Clement of Ohrid oversaw the construction of the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon and two churches with "round and spherical form" in the late 9th century.

The most representative surviving art monument is the Madara Ridera large relief carving commissioned by Khan Tervel following his triumph in It is the only relief of its kind, having no parallel in Europe. The rider, facing right, is thrusting a spear into the lion lying at his horse's feet, and on the left the dog is running after the horseman. The meaning and symbolism of the depiction is uncertain, as well its actual masonry tradition and cultural source. Sculpture and stone carving were well-developed to supply the demand for public and sacral buildings.

Many details of marble carving have been excavated in Preslav. The decoration included animals such as griffinsrabbits and birds, as well as vegetative elements most often palmettes and grape leaves and geometric motifs. The main sources for Bulgarian domestic use-oriented pottery are the necropoleis at Novi Pazar, Devnyaand Varna. Since the 9th century two-story ovens were used for the annealing of the pottery.

The growing exchange with the Byzantine Empire following the adoption of Christianity led to an increase in the shapes and decorations of the Bulgarian pottery that was unprecedented in the Slavic world. One of the most famous features of the Pliska-Preslav culture was the decoration of palaces and churches with lacquered ceramic plates, which may indicate a Near Eastern Arabic influence.

Some had depictions of the Virginsaints and apostles, both in full figures, portraits and medallions. Among the most notable of those is the well-preserved, tile Icon of St Theodorefound in the ruins of the Patleina Monastery of Saint Panteleimon in the outskirts of Preslav which was the site of one of the workshops.

Between and the Byzantine monks Saints Cyril and Methodius created the Glagolitic alphabetthe first Slavic alphabet by order of the Byzantine Emperor, who aimed to convert Great Moravia to Orthodox Christianity. Ultimately, the brothers' mission to establish Slavic liturgy in Great Moravia failed. The Bulgarian monarch commissioned the creation of two theological academies to be headed by the disciples where the future Bulgarian clergy was to be instructed in Bulgarian vernacular.

Clement was sent to the southwestern province Kutmichevitsa in Macedonia, where he founded the Ohrid Literary School. There, he educated 3, pupils between and Eventually, Naum too was sent to Ohrid. The development of Old Church Slavonic literacy had the effect of preventing the assimilation of the South Slavs into neighbouring cultures, while stimulating the formation of the distinct Bulgarian identity.

They wrote hagiographiespanegyricsacolouthiapoetry, liturgical hymns, treatises on church music, etc. Later, Cosmas the Priest wrote the anti-Bogomil treatise Sermon Against the Heretics which apart from the theological arguments contained criticism on the contemporary Bulgarian society, with particular attention to religious and social issues. Apart from the official literature, apocryphical texts were also written and received impetus after the second half of the 10th century, as imperial patronage ceased during the Byzantine conquest and subsequent Byzantine rule in Bulgaria.

The flourishing literary activity and the experimentation with various genres developed the style, flexibility and expressiveness of the language. In the following years the Byzantines systematically destroyed all texts in Old Bulgarian language. Prominent writers and scholars: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with Old Great Bulgaria. Part of a series on the. Thracians and Migration Period. Bulgars and Old Great Bulgaria.

Krum and battle of Pliska.

Khan Krum defeats the Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus I in the battle of the Varbitsa PassManasses Chronicle. Khan Krum feasts with the scull cup of Nicephorus after the victory at the Varbitsa Pass, Manasses Chronicle. Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian culture.

Simeon I of BulgariaByzantine—Bulgarian war of —and Byzantine—Bulgarian war of — Sviatoslav's invasion of BulgariaByzantine conquest of Bulgariaand Battle of Kleidion. Church of Our Lady, Kostur. Ceramic icon of Saint TheodorePreslav ceramics, c. A 10th century fresco in the Church of St. Old Church SlavonicGlagolitic alphabetand Cyrillic script. After deposing Vladimir he returned to his monastery, where he died in Thus, there was no threat for Samuel to establish his own dynasty.

East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, — University of Washington Press. University of California Press. A History of the Greek Language: Danube Bulgaria and Volga Bulgaria. The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest.

University of Michigan Press.

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A Concise History of Bulgaria. The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Empires of the Silk Road: The Thracians, BC—AD It is in any case most probable that they had enveloped groupings of diverse origins during their migration westwards across the Eurasian steppes, and they undoubtedly spoke a form of Turkic as their main language.

The Bulgars long retained many of the customs, military tactics, titles and emblems of a nomadic people of the steppes. Arrival of the Bulgars". Retrieved 26 January The name Bulgaria comes from the Bulgars, a people who are still a matter of academic dispute with respect to their origin Turkic or Indo-European as well as to their influence on the ethnic mixture and the language of present-day Bulgaria.

Byzantium and Bulgaria, — III, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. V, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, pp. V, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. IV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. VII, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p.

IV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, pp. Cities and Economic Development. University of Chicago Press. VI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, pp. An historical geography of Europe, B. Official Site of UNESCO.


Retrieved 11 February The Madara Horseman PDF. Who are the Macedonians. The Dawn of Slavic: An Introduction to Slavic Philology.

Indo-European Language and Culture: First Bulgarian State ] in Bulgarian. History of Bulgaria in Bulgarian. Word and Power in Mediaeval Bulgaria. The other Europe in the Middle Ages: Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans. The Early Medieval Balkans, A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century. Paul Fouracreed. New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 1: Rosamond McKittericked. New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 2: Golden, Peter Benjamin An introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples: Ethnogenesis and State Formation in Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia and the Middle East.

A History of Byzantium. Warfare, State and Society in the Byzantine World, — University College London Press. The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. New YorkOxford: From to in Bulgarian. New YorkWashington: A History of the First Bulgarian Empire. Retrieved 13 March Runciman, Steven []. The Emperor Romanus Lecapenus and His Reign: A Study of Tenth-Century Byzantium. Byzantium and Bulgaria, A Political Study of the Northern Balkans, — The Making of Byzantium — History of the Bulgarian state in the Middle Ages.

History of the First Bulgarian Empire. Part II in Bulgarian 2 ed. Topics on the Bulgarian Empire. Odrysian kingdom Old Great Bulgaria First Bulgarian Empire Second Bulgarian Empire Ottoman period Principality Tsardom People's Republic Bulgaria since Balkan Mountains Balkan Peninsula Black Sea coast Cities and towns Earthquakes Islands Provinces Pirin Rila Rivers Rhodope Mountains Villages. Constitution Elections Foreign relations Government Human rights LGBT Law enforcement Armed Forces National Assembly Political parties.

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Bulgarian Empire portal Bulgaria portal Middle Ages portal Eastern Christianity portal. Retrieved from " https: Former countries in the Balkans States and territories established in States and territories disestablished in First Bulgarian Empire Bulgarian Empire Medieval Bulgaria Byzantine Empire successor states in the Balkans Former empires of Europe Former Slavic countries History of Bulgaria History of Eastern Europe 7th century in Bulgaria 8th century in Bulgaria 9th century in Bulgaria 10th century in Bulgaria 11th century in Bulgaria States and territories established in establishments in Europe disestablishments in Europe Romania in the Early Middle Ages Moldova in the Early Middle Ages Albania under the Bulgarian Empire Medieval Macedonia Greece Medieval Republic of Macedonia Southeastern Europe.

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Simeon I assumes the title of Tsar Emperor. Theme Bulgaria established in Byzantine Empire. Byzantine Empire under the Macedonian dynasty. Odrysian kingdom BC — 46 AD Roman times 46— Old Great Bulgaria — AD First Bulgarian Empire — Christianization Golden Age — Cometopuli dynasty — Byzantine Bulgaria — Second Bulgarian Empire — Second Golden Age — Mongol invasion — Recovery and expansion —71 Bulgarian—Ottoman wars —96 Ottoman Bulgaria — Resistance after National Revival — Establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchate Liberation War — Third Bulgarian State —present Serbo-Bulgarian War Balkan Wars — World War I — World War II — Communist era — Transition era since List of monarchs Military history Struggle for Macedonia — Main category Bulgaria portal.

Old Great Bulgaria Second Bulgarian Empire Bulgars Slavs Thracians. Byzantine—Bulgarian wars Bulgarian—Hungarian wars Bulgarian—Serbian wars Croatian—Bulgarian wars. List of Bulgarian monarchs Medieval Bulgarian army Bulgarian Orthodox Church Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet.

Literature Bulgarian literature Glagolitic script Early Cyrillic alphabet Cyrillic script Old Church Slavonic Preslav Literary School Ohrid Literary School Royal charters Prominent writers and scholars:

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