Stock market and economic growth an empirical analysis for germany

stock market and economic growth an empirical analysis for germany

All Title Author Keywords Abstract. Stock marketEconomic growthVAR modelGranger causality.

Report says economic growth in germany at at standstill

This paper investigates the causal relationship between stock market development and economic growth for Germany for the period using a Vector Error Correction Model VECM. The purpose of this paper was to examine the long-run relationshipbetween these variables, applying the Johansen co-integration analysis based on the classical unit roots tests.

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The results of Grangercausality tests indicated that there is a unidirectional causality between stock market development and economic growth withdirection from stock stock market and economic growth an empirical analysis for germany development to economic growth. Publish in OALib Journal ISSN: Live Support Ask us anything.

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stock market and economic growth an empirical analysis for germany

An Empirical Analysis For Germany' .

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